Saturday, April 30, 2011

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All the march on the Labour Day

Mexico City., To April 30, 2011
It calls on all partners in the EMS, and retired in resistance, to be present 1st day. May of this year, from very early to participate in the celebration of Labor Day, which we will march together with all other unions formed the UNT sisters also multiple independent unions throughout the country.

And leave this to the union of all workers with free and clear thought, is stronger than ever and we are organized to deal with the powers that be, that all they want is a disproportionate and enrichment illegal at the expense of us all, placing us in a state of helplessness and slavery, which would not be respected our most basic human rights.

Therefore we must continue striving to reach our goals and achieve the desired victory, not only for us but for all workers in the republic.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop

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Video: Public Hearing of the International Tribunal

Mexico City, April 30, 2011
This is the presentation of the case of SME against the federal government in court on freedom of association by our partner Secretary General Martin Esparza Flores, on April 29 in the auditorium Lopez Mateos, the former medical school in Santo Domingo.

Source: SME1914

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Freedom Festival Children's Day

Mexico City., To April 29, 2011
is convened every child in the SME, to bring their parents and grandparents, the child day festival held on April 30 morning at the plate of Mexico City Zocalo.

not miss, there will be lots of fun with different activities.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop

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Video: Reports of our Central Committee Congress in

our Central Committee in Congress 28/abril/2011

Source: SME1914

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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28/abril/2011 Video: Magna

SME Magna Assembly held in the capital's main square of Mexico City, on April 27, 2011

Source: Lux Television

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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SME Assembly will prepare all the artillery of the EMS: Esparza

MEXICO CITY, Wednesday, April 27, 2011, Julian Sanchez, El Universal, 20:40
  • The leader of the Mexican Electrical Workers Union warned not to move their encampment maintaining in the Zocalo on May 1, despite the acts you have planned to mark International Labour Day
The leader of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME ), Martin Esparza Flores said not move their encampment maintaining the City's Zocalo Mexico on May 1, although non-related organizations of Labor Congress (CT) will hold a morning ceremony on the occasion of International Labour Day .

"Do not make (the CT) to be scabs, but they come to provoke the electricians, we're pissed, so you have to stay calm. And the message was clear: No scab of SUTERM (Sole Union of Electrical Workers of Mexico), so we have the position and then wait for independent trade unions, to UNT and the Mexican Union Front "he said during a" grand assembly "of the EMS in the Zocalo.

He called the members of SME to have to throw bags of eggs, where it stops, the aspirant to the state government of Mexico for the Party National Action (PAN), Luis Felipe Bravo Mena.

"We prepare all the artillery of the EMS, and all this is Felipe Calderón's fault, because of Javier Lozano, So with my head held high, we make arrangements and go for the win.

"We can not let this usurper government of Felipe Calderon wants to get away with it to deliver the electricity industry to foreigners," said Esparza.
therefore will have noted that Members agree the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), in support of consensus in the House of Representatives and encourage the creation of a public agency to take care of power supply in the area center of the country, where before it gave Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC).

Esparza said he informed the president of the Chamber, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín that nine of the 14 PRI representatives of the Energy Commission had endorsed the proposal to amend the law, which would give impetus to create and mentioning that only lacks the signature of five, for a majority, as Labour party, the Democratic Revolution, Convergence and New Covenant and did

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27/abril/2011 Agreement

By agreement in the SME Magna Assembly held in the capital's main square on 27 April 2011 all we need to focus urgently from Thursday April 28, 2011, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies of St. Lazarus from 9:00 am
not miss! These days are crucial to our movement !!!...

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Magna Assembly Concentration in the House of Representatives

Mexico City., 27 April 2011.
It calls on all partners in the EMS, and retired in resistance to the merger to take place in the vicinity of the Congress in San Lazaro, on Thursday April 28 at 9:00 pm .

All this in order to keep the pressure on the deputies of all political factions to sign for Reform LSPEE and get the majority, the opinion is accepted and would create a new company. Atte

Labour Commission
Automotive Workshop

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Video: Reports of our SRIO. SME General on meeting in the House of Representatives 26/abril/2011 SME

our SME leadership on talks conducted in the Congress with the Deputies of the Committee on Energy and terms , the note-taking and the legal personality of the SME ...

Source: Lux Television

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manifest in the House of Deputies PRI

Mexico City, Tuesday April 26, 2011, Editor, El Universal,
  • They call the coordinator of the legislators of the PRI, Francisco Rojas, receive their leader, Martin Esparza
About 800 members of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME ) manifest outside the Chamber of Deputies on the street Zapata demanding that the coordinator of the legislators of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Francisco Rojas, receive their leader.

Some of them, 30 or 40, had been lying on the driveway pavement six and say they will not let go Members until it meets its demand for Rojas received the leader of the SME, Martin Esparza , to give response on the proposal to create replacement body company Luz y Fuerza del Centro.

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By Natalia Estrada
  • SME Press deputies
Led by their leader, Martin Esparza members of the Mexican Electricians Union blocked access to the Chamber of Deputies and preventing legislators and legislative employees from accessing the site. From there, the former employees of Luz y Fuerza del Centro and urged the PRI define its position on the restoration of the Public Service Act Electricity.

The arrival of the protesters forced the deployment of elements of the Federal Police and a security crackdown in the House of Representatives.

Emiliano Zapata streets, Sidar and Rovira, and Congress were blocked by demonstrators for several hours.

In an interview, the leader of the SME, Martin Esparza said that its members are unemployed 18 months pending a solution to their demands.

"One step is to attend one of the branches of government, because the Interior Ministry has no interest in resolving the conflict. The ruling in favor of the initiative and or have the deputies, must be presented at the Energy Commission and the new House rules Secretary of the Commission is of the PRI and other parties can be resolved once and for all, "he said.

added that what is behind the movement of the EMS is the electricity sector, fiber optics, and collective bargaining.

He noted that for months the Federal Government has devoted to a smear campaign against their group association.

Martin Esparza, sought a meeting with the coordinator of the PRI in the Chamber of Deputies, Francisco Rojas, but was received by his fellow caucus, César Augusto Santiago.

Asked about the leader of Members PRI, Francisco Rojas said his bank will carefully consider the proposal of the SME to create a new company to provide work for the union.

"We have to see the both legal and operational feasibility of a case of this nature. It would at this stage an opinion on the viability of an enterprise of this nature. What is a fact is that the electricity service, obviously flawed, is being provided. This will then be studied thoroughly to see what kind of solutions might exist. But this must be done with a great responsibility and seriousness, because these things can not go one with demagogy or making promises then remain in the air, "he said.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Esparza Martin Esparza go to San Lazaro. Paola Rojas

April 26, 2011
  • leader Martin Esparza electrician came to the premises of the Chamber of Deputies, accompanied by a large number of supporters to demand the adoption of a initiative that is held by the PRI in the law about public service of electricity.
Martin Esparza, accompanied by a group affiliated with the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), are in the Congress to require compliance with the approval of an initiative that is already held by the PRI, approval is needed only in committees and in plenary.

Martin Esparza, attended the Chamber of Deputies, which is surrounded by supporters of the movement headed by himself Esparza. The leader of the electricians and is in the office of coordinator of the PRI deputies Francisco Rojas Gutierrez "to restore legality under the law of public electricity service," said union leader.

According to reports made by the PAN representative Javier Corral, no matter of opinion for more than 30 initiatives that are intended to pass this week.

for electoral interests, such sensitive issues as the National Security Act, are being conditioned towards the election of the State of Mexico and others.
Source: Radio Formula With Maru Rojas

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We will be history or escrbiremos! ...

Mexico City, on April 26, 2011

All partners of the SME, and retired in resistance, together with all its relatives, acquaintances and all the people that we like to accompany, the call for the Great Assembly to be held in the Zocalo in Mexico City on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 17:00 hrs, as this is date, in which at last most of Deputies, will inform us of its position, about our proposed LSPEE Reform which aims to create a new company to provide electric service in the Midwest.

If positive, we will write in golden letters in the book of the history of this great country. All this for what we fought for, which is the return to our jobs, our union and our collective bargaining agreement intact. We expected
not miss more time and come to rely on this day the most important day of our resistance. It is time that most need the support of all that for us is the force that will change the destiny of this great country.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop

Monday, April 25, 2011

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magna Assembly in the socket of the cd. All of Mexico

Mexico City., To April 25, 2011

It calls on all partners in the EMS, active and retired in resistance, Magna Assembly to be held on Wednesday 27 April at 17:00 hrs, in the main square of Mexico City, to hear of our Central Committee the current state of our movement and actions to be taken in the coming days to confront the federal government no intention of offering a satisfactory solution to the guild.

The importance of this Assembly, it goes without saying, is very important, so we expect the attendance of each of the members of this great union, if you really are looking for a solution, do not miss anyone.

Labour Commission

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Mexico City., To April 25, 2011

It invites all partners EMS, active and retired in resistance, to attend on Tuesday, April 26 at 9:00 pm, in the vicinity of the Congress in San Lazaro, to support our union leadership and keep the pressure on the deputies of the fractions and be present in the final stretch of the first session of the year, where some reforms will be fully analyzed, among which is our proposal to the Law Reform Public Service Electric Power.

Act, from being voted on and approved, will allow the creation of a new company to provide electric service at the center of the country, and we return our labor supply.

also would end the conflict caused by the decree of termination of light and strength. But we must not forget that it is at risk the Federal Labour Law, as embodied in the Constitution and will be amended arbitrarily, leading to the loss of workers' rights, obtained throughout the years in different struggles and were created for the welfare of all workers.

therefore invite you to regain strength and to give a final blow for our struggle.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop