Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank-you - Minister = Funeral Service??

SME Assembly will prepare all the artillery of the EMS: Esparza

MEXICO CITY, Wednesday, April 27, 2011, Julian Sanchez, El Universal, 20:40
  • The leader of the Mexican Electrical Workers Union warned not to move their encampment maintaining in the Zocalo on May 1, despite the acts you have planned to mark International Labour Day
The leader of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME ), Martin Esparza Flores said not move their encampment maintaining the City's Zocalo Mexico on May 1, although non-related organizations of Labor Congress (CT) will hold a morning ceremony on the occasion of International Labour Day .

"Do not make (the CT) to be scabs, but they come to provoke the electricians, we're pissed, so you have to stay calm. And the message was clear: No scab of SUTERM (Sole Union of Electrical Workers of Mexico), so we have the position and then wait for independent trade unions, to UNT and the Mexican Union Front "he said during a" grand assembly "of the EMS in the Zocalo.

He called the members of SME to have to throw bags of eggs, where it stops, the aspirant to the state government of Mexico for the Party National Action (PAN), Luis Felipe Bravo Mena.

"We prepare all the artillery of the EMS, and all this is Felipe Calderón's fault, because of Javier Lozano, So with my head held high, we make arrangements and go for the win.

"We can not let this usurper government of Felipe Calderon wants to get away with it to deliver the electricity industry to foreigners," said Esparza.
therefore will have noted that Members agree the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), in support of consensus in the House of Representatives and encourage the creation of a public agency to take care of power supply in the area center of the country, where before it gave Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC).

Esparza said he informed the president of the Chamber, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín that nine of the 14 PRI representatives of the Energy Commission had endorsed the proposal to amend the law, which would give impetus to create and mentioning that only lacks the signature of five, for a majority, as Labour party, the Democratic Revolution, Convergence and New Covenant and did


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