Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sore Rear Knee Snowboarding

We will be history or escrbiremos! ...

Mexico City, on April 26, 2011

All partners of the SME, and retired in resistance, together with all its relatives, acquaintances and all the people that we like to accompany, the call for the Great Assembly to be held in the Zocalo in Mexico City on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 17:00 hrs, as this is date, in which at last most of Deputies, will inform us of its position, about our proposed LSPEE Reform which aims to create a new company to provide electric service in the Midwest.

If positive, we will write in golden letters in the book of the history of this great country. All this for what we fought for, which is the return to our jobs, our union and our collective bargaining agreement intact. We expected
not miss more time and come to rely on this day the most important day of our resistance. It is time that most need the support of all that for us is the force that will change the destiny of this great country.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop


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