Saturday, April 30, 2011

Actress Showing Their Nipples

All the march on the Labour Day

Mexico City., To April 30, 2011
It calls on all partners in the EMS, and retired in resistance, to be present 1st day. May of this year, from very early to participate in the celebration of Labor Day, which we will march together with all other unions formed the UNT sisters also multiple independent unions throughout the country.

And leave this to the union of all workers with free and clear thought, is stronger than ever and we are organized to deal with the powers that be, that all they want is a disproportionate and enrichment illegal at the expense of us all, placing us in a state of helplessness and slavery, which would not be respected our most basic human rights.

Therefore we must continue striving to reach our goals and achieve the desired victory, not only for us but for all workers in the republic.

Atte. Task Force
Automotive Workshop


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