Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Does My Dog Hump Furniture


The PSOE Socialist party has lost its way. Social democracy is in the doldrums, in all EU where only the last victory of the German Social glimpse of hope in the rise NEOCOM Neoliberal will end up making the "Europe of merchants" in the United States decaf.
In Spain there is no new figure who filled new life encouraging and leftist political level English. All are old glories that have embraced the system that will lead to misery.
beens Among these is included Don Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, that taking into account all national parties and nationalist is one that shows more intelligence and knowledge.
Just watch the reaction from the right and the very right to this character, which as I have so fucking, you branded as "Prince of Darkness." just to see the reaction of the darkest Spain (from Mayor Oreja right, Intereconomía, Veo7, "Journal Unclean" ) causes increased my admiration for the character (not for their political views, and further away from social democracy.)
if your objetito not be the final assault on the presidency government, if so, the mediocre Chacon has a rival even higher level than She will never, for once very fond of marketing and camera suck ... to take the picture out of Kosovo before the allies warn, etc ... ..
However, Ru Gal caba from the gloom puts on fatigues. When asked about his possible candidacy says: "I am vice president, just think about work ...." While Chacon gets the dress, the suit gets Alfredo Curran.
English politics has become a farce in which defendants are eligible, no matter where your charter or betray your programs, etc ... but this farce Rubalcaba dominates to perfection.
being equal, without the global crisis and without the anti-labor and anti-socialist management of ZP, an electoral confrontation and dialectic Rubalcaba Rajoy feel sorry for the second, shatter, and hope if we put it in the middle too.
The cruelty is the taste ... ... ..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bushnell Trophy Mp Sight In Procedures


We are being observers of something very big that is shaking the Middle East countries. See the cruelty with which the deranged Gaddafi is crushing its own retorzamos people makes us indignant.
But we squirm like a worm that was used as an example to Nietzsche, that when they attack you prefer to react offensively contract ... general attitude from the comfort of our armchair West.
Throughout history, every revolution has occurred since the situation of a people "crushed" by a tyrant.
The response from Europe should be solidarity with the peoples crushed by tyrants dictators who rise up asking for democratic openings.
addition "selfishly speaking," we want to be surrounded of democracy, development .. . With fewer terrorists and more indexes religious tolerance.
Europe, the champion of democracy and civil rights, should actively support the parties that arise and to take human rights and lay qualify.
The Muslim world and democracy must begin to be compatible and this world needs strong support from the West.
Let us help and not hinder, the end of the epidemic is a democracy that is spreading across the Arab world. ----------------------------------------------
Changing the subject a bit, I'll bring a video I saw on the blog of my dear blogger Victor C. , where they saw a Savater Philosopher's statements have left me a bit stunned.
No comments.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whats The Chances That My Cysts Are Malignant


La Condesa Neoliberal has breast cancer. In this blog we wish him a speedy recovery, since it is a universal right to good health.
Hope has said it will operate in Public Health, a good punch line election, taking into account the efforts being made for a gradual privatization of health care. When you are playing the post must use all the resources you have at hand to manipulate the population. It is very politically correct fight political privileges.
What ESPE has not said is whether breast periodic revisions has made in public health, if you have waited long periods to get an appointment with a specialist, or the time it took to get a diagnosis from the visit to it.
There are cases in the community of Madrid in one year has elapsed between when the first symptoms until it gives a definitive diagnosis.
If Countess had waited a year, what would have been the result?.
We have to differentiate between the desires of any person overcomes this terrible disease that can not clouding the vision of what Esperanza Aguirre is doing with public health.
say that when you pass a trance so strong, as the fight against cancer, changes you forever. Hope hopefully reflect and change their concept of universal healthcare.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Extra Flamin Hot Cheetos

to be happy I want a Iphone.

Good for everyone,
Since I saw the movie Avatar is something that I wanted to get out. Without going into an effective advertising campaign that did, or the quality of the film and not the exorbitant price they charge us.
No, what I want to talk about is selfishness and human stupidity that seems to warrant a day. Starting with all those who cried when felled the giant tree and not shed a single drop of the Amazon rainforest. Going by those that seemed outrageous that a corporation made of a mineral called Octavius \u200b\u200band have not stopped ever thought about what happens in the Congo and Coltan.
I will take this post to report the latter situation and remember that in Africa not only are blood diamonds. Here is a set of data to put ourselves in position.

First, what is Coltan? It is a mineral itself if the union of two columbite and tantalite. Tantalum is precisely what gives the high value it has. His features, which will not go into describing them (see ), have become an almost material irreplaceable to make the most of technological tools we use. I'm talking about mobile phones, portable GPS, flat screen TVs, including guided missiles.
Second, it is estimated that the Congo has, unfortunately for him, between 64% and 80% of world reserves (the amount varies according to the study.) Possessors of this mineral is what caused the civil war that is active from August 2, 1998 (although formally end in 2003) and has already caused more than 5 million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict after World War II. After the war, neighboring Rwanda and Uganda, and behind them multiple called first world companies mainly in the United States, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Kazakhstan.
Third, most people, human beings who work in the mines are children who are very cheap labor forces working for paltry "salary", to call in some way. And that's not the worst, because most are smuggled out coltan obtained by methods even worse.
I have read in some articles of the network to various mobile companies are trying their Tantalum does not have originated in the Congo by the bad publicity it brings, however, the illegal traffic can disguise their origin.
This news is already old and yet the problem is far from resolved. We have the media filled with news of new technologies and how special that is going to own one of these great iphone, sansumg galaxy s, etc but very few words about the people of Congo. The next time we use a computer, or see our high definition TV, we should think, even a few seconds, where it comes from and the real cost is. Do not say we blame for having one, but at least give the real value you have and seriously consider recycling those terminals that we no longer use. Of recycling you can earn up to 25% of material used.
I leave a few links that extend what we have said:
And if you really curious there is a book written by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa Rial called Coltan. Do not leave it here because I do not upload the PDF, and do not think that would be piracy, the author gives his books in ebook format. Anyway, if you take a look, you can request that you send it to your blog The example could take people like that.
PS: I've been looking for recent news about the situation in the Congo to see the evolution away and am unable to find anything, if anyone find something please lay that out. Take care
much and try to be happy.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Housewarming Quotes-bible


New Rumasa has benefited from Bankruptcy Law. Apparently Ruiz Mateos has failed to pay the advertising power and banks have reacted by cutting off the credit line.
señoriíto This double standard of Opus, has announced it has spent a lot of ways to attract investors, has spared no advertising on the most important and most expensive slots.
these methods has raised 140 million euros, the media were paid on time because they paid advertising power, but the latter have not been paid what they owed.
This business group has 5,000 employees and 10,000 investors.
Investors do not give me any grief, had already warned the CNMV, it seems, that up to seven times that these investments were at risk. But you know, human greed has no limits and the ability to make quick money because of the uncontrolled market excesses paid to the possible ruin.
The crux of the issue and that concern me are the workers, who have begun to delays in the payment of payroll. If it is found all this fraud:
Will there be social justice, putting the guilty in jail?.
OPUS Will this be the black hole that has formed?
Do workers will occupy the house Neocom Ruiz Mateos?
will rule again Felipe Gonzalez to return to expropriate Rumasa?.
"starve the children of Ruiz?
I think the 1 st of Rumasa expropriation is now more justified than ever, with all the hype that amount. What hit you milk.
I also think that the system is rotten when such people are allowed to do the same thing twice ... and the workers not knowing that they will charge ... ..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cover Letter For Dental Hygiene Student


My admired Miguel Hernández, who always appreciate your great work, is back today.
Coinciding with the centenary of the poet's birth last year, his family and Civic Commission for Historical Memory of Alicante, called for the revision and annulment the of the death sentence imposed by the Nationals after the war ended.
The sad news is that the Supreme Court has refused permission to bring the resource. The court argued that after the entry into force of the LAW OF HISTORICAL MEMORY this sentence has already been recognized as "fundamentally unfair" and "unlawful on procedural and substantive" and has no legal force.
The family complains to talk about injustice and not void, Case wanted to disappear.
Miguel Hernandez died in 1942 at the age of 31 years shattered lungs in prison in Alicante.
wore 4 years prison in prison. He was sentenced to death in 1940 to enlist on the Republican side, but thanks to the mediation of his friends intellectuals was commuted to 30 years behind bars.
My grandfather also came ill with the jails after a few years in the shadow in the prison of Valladolid, his offense was not joining the Republican side, the land was to have a cooperative affiliated with leftist dyes. (CAIN everlasting).
I leave a poem to make a tribute to Miguel Hernández and if you permit me to my grandfather that I did not know.
(Although do not be fond of poetry give him a chance, it is very Sencillito.)
Winds Village lead me MIGUEL HERNANDEZ
Winds Village lead me
winds drag me people, spread the heart

me and I throw in the throat.

Oxen bow their heads, helplessly
before punishment: the rise

lions and at the same time punish
with their clamorous paw.

I'm not a people's oxen,
I am from a race that
deposits of lions, eagles gorges

and ridges with pride
bulls on the pole.

oxen never prospered in the mountains of Spain.

Who spoke of throwing a
yoke on the neck of this breed?
Who ever since the hurricane and yokes
and who kept a lightning bolt
prisoner in a cage?

of bravery Asturian, Basque
armored stone,
Valencian and Castilian
joy of soul, as the land tilled

graceful as wings Andalusian

born between guitars and forged on anvils
Torrential tears;
Extremadura Rye,
rain and calm Galician, Catalan

caste Aragon, Murcia dynamite

fruit spread,
Leon, Navarre, owner
hunger, sweat and ax,
mining kings, lords
men between the roots, as roots
going from life to death,
going from nothing to nothing :
you want to put people in the weeds, yokes

you must leave on their backs broken. Twilight

the horse is emerging dawn. Oxen die

of humility and block odor;
eagles, lions and bulls
and behind them the sky is cloudy or
or ends.
The agony of the oxen
has small face,
the male animal of all creation

If I die, I die
with head held high. Dead
twenty times dead,
mouth against the grass, I'll

teeth clenched and determined chin. Cannot wait to

nightingales sing over rifles and half

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Much It Would Cost To Restore A Diner


few months ago appeared in the news media of the financial meltdown of the Icelandic economy. One of the most advanced democracy, social state .... Had cracked.
But what has made the Icelandic people?. Has mounted a leftist revolution dyes and has stood up to the current neoliberal.
Resignation of an entire government, nationalization banking (the Stalinist horror coming), referendums to let the people decide all drastic economic measures to take.
And I, there has been a prison for those responsible for the crisis (social justice) has been rewriting the constitution by the citizens.
Has been through all this in the media EU?.
course not, of course it does not matter that a sovereign people take the reins of its sovereignty and stand up to the Neoliberal Panzer. They would drop their heads in shame, our psudodemocracia has not changed with the crisis, we have swallowed welfare cuts and precarious jobs and have not done anything. We are like the worm when it is attacked Nietzsche twists on itself.
If you read something online about Icelandic issue and action taken comprobareis the romanticism that has "closed teeth, tightened the male and stand up to the system."
have given us a lesson to all the leftists.
people akin to the Countess Liberal Despair Aguirre and his economic policies I liked the way governments act taught by EU "Rottwailler the German."
Anguita What reason was when the treaty of Maastricht, all a visionary.
Nordic friends Greetings and congratulations.