Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whats The Chances That My Cysts Are Malignant


La Condesa Neoliberal has breast cancer. In this blog we wish him a speedy recovery, since it is a universal right to good health.
Hope has said it will operate in Public Health, a good punch line election, taking into account the efforts being made for a gradual privatization of health care. When you are playing the post must use all the resources you have at hand to manipulate the population. It is very politically correct fight political privileges.
What ESPE has not said is whether breast periodic revisions has made in public health, if you have waited long periods to get an appointment with a specialist, or the time it took to get a diagnosis from the visit to it.
There are cases in the community of Madrid in one year has elapsed between when the first symptoms until it gives a definitive diagnosis.
If Countess had waited a year, what would have been the result?.
We have to differentiate between the desires of any person overcomes this terrible disease that can not clouding the vision of what Esperanza Aguirre is doing with public health.
say that when you pass a trance so strong, as the fight against cancer, changes you forever. Hope hopefully reflect and change their concept of universal healthcare.


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