Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Extra Flamin Hot Cheetos

to be happy I want a Iphone.

Good for everyone,
Since I saw the movie Avatar is something that I wanted to get out. Without going into an effective advertising campaign that did, or the quality of the film and not the exorbitant price they charge us.
No, what I want to talk about is selfishness and human stupidity that seems to warrant a day. Starting with all those who cried when felled the giant tree and not shed a single drop of the Amazon rainforest. Going by those that seemed outrageous that a corporation made of a mineral called Octavius \u200b\u200band have not stopped ever thought about what happens in the Congo and Coltan.
I will take this post to report the latter situation and remember that in Africa not only are blood diamonds. Here is a set of data to put ourselves in position.

First, what is Coltan? It is a mineral itself if the union of two columbite and tantalite. Tantalum is precisely what gives the high value it has. His features, which will not go into describing them (see http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalio ), have become an almost material irreplaceable to make the most of technological tools we use. I'm talking about mobile phones, portable GPS, flat screen TVs, including guided missiles.
Second, it is estimated that the Congo has, unfortunately for him, between 64% and 80% of world reserves (the amount varies according to the study.) Possessors of this mineral is what caused the civil war that is active from August 2, 1998 (although formally end in 2003) and has already caused more than 5 million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict after World War II. After the war, neighboring Rwanda and Uganda, and behind them multiple called first world companies mainly in the United States, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Kazakhstan.
Third, most people, human beings who work in the mines are children who are very cheap labor forces working for paltry "salary", to call in some way. And that's not the worst, because most are smuggled out coltan obtained by methods even worse.
I have read in some articles of the network to various mobile companies are trying their Tantalum does not have originated in the Congo by the bad publicity it brings, however, the illegal traffic can disguise their origin.
This news is already old and yet the problem is far from resolved. We have the media filled with news of new technologies and how special that is going to own one of these great iphone, sansumg galaxy s, etc but very few words about the people of Congo. The next time we use a computer, or see our high definition TV, we should think, even a few seconds, where it comes from and the real cost is. Do not say we blame for having one, but at least give the real value you have and seriously consider recycling those terminals that we no longer use. Of recycling you can earn up to 25% of material used.
I leave a few links that extend what we have said:
And if you really curious there is a book written by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa Rial called Coltan. Do not leave it here because I do not upload the PDF, and do not think that would be piracy, the author gives his books in ebook format. Anyway, if you take a look, you can request that you send it to your blog http://vazquezfigueroa.blog.com/ The example could take people like that.
PS: I've been looking for recent news about the situation in the Congo to see the evolution away and am unable to find anything, if anyone find something please lay that out. Take care
much and try to be happy.


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