Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cover Letter For Dental Hygiene Student


My admired Miguel Hernández, who always appreciate your great work, is back today.
Coinciding with the centenary of the poet's birth last year, his family and Civic Commission for Historical Memory of Alicante, called for the revision and annulment the of the death sentence imposed by the Nationals after the war ended.
The sad news is that the Supreme Court has refused permission to bring the resource. The court argued that after the entry into force of the LAW OF HISTORICAL MEMORY this sentence has already been recognized as "fundamentally unfair" and "unlawful on procedural and substantive" and has no legal force.
The family complains to talk about injustice and not void, Case wanted to disappear.
Miguel Hernandez died in 1942 at the age of 31 years shattered lungs in prison in Alicante.
wore 4 years prison in prison. He was sentenced to death in 1940 to enlist on the Republican side, but thanks to the mediation of his friends intellectuals was commuted to 30 years behind bars.
My grandfather also came ill with the jails after a few years in the shadow in the prison of Valladolid, his offense was not joining the Republican side, the land was to have a cooperative affiliated with leftist dyes. (CAIN everlasting).
I leave a poem to make a tribute to Miguel Hernández and if you permit me to my grandfather that I did not know.
(Although do not be fond of poetry give him a chance, it is very Sencillito.)
Winds Village lead me MIGUEL HERNANDEZ
Winds Village lead me
winds drag me people, spread the heart

me and I throw in the throat.

Oxen bow their heads, helplessly
before punishment: the rise

lions and at the same time punish
with their clamorous paw.

I'm not a people's oxen,
I am from a race that
deposits of lions, eagles gorges

and ridges with pride
bulls on the pole.

oxen never prospered in the mountains of Spain.

Who spoke of throwing a
yoke on the neck of this breed?
Who ever since the hurricane and yokes
and who kept a lightning bolt
prisoner in a cage?

of bravery Asturian, Basque
armored stone,
Valencian and Castilian
joy of soul, as the land tilled

graceful as wings Andalusian

born between guitars and forged on anvils
Torrential tears;
Extremadura Rye,
rain and calm Galician, Catalan

caste Aragon, Murcia dynamite

fruit spread,
Leon, Navarre, owner
hunger, sweat and ax,
mining kings, lords
men between the roots, as roots
going from life to death,
going from nothing to nothing :
you want to put people in the weeds, yokes

you must leave on their backs broken. Twilight

the horse is emerging dawn. Oxen die

of humility and block odor;
eagles, lions and bulls
and behind them the sky is cloudy or
or ends.
The agony of the oxen
has small face,
the male animal of all creation

If I die, I die
with head held high. Dead
twenty times dead,
mouth against the grass, I'll

teeth clenched and determined chin. Cannot wait to

nightingales sing over rifles and half


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