Thursday, February 24, 2011

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We are being observers of something very big that is shaking the Middle East countries. See the cruelty with which the deranged Gaddafi is crushing its own retorzamos people makes us indignant.
But we squirm like a worm that was used as an example to Nietzsche, that when they attack you prefer to react offensively contract ... general attitude from the comfort of our armchair West.
Throughout history, every revolution has occurred since the situation of a people "crushed" by a tyrant.
The response from Europe should be solidarity with the peoples crushed by tyrants dictators who rise up asking for democratic openings.
addition "selfishly speaking," we want to be surrounded of democracy, development .. . With fewer terrorists and more indexes religious tolerance.
Europe, the champion of democracy and civil rights, should actively support the parties that arise and to take human rights and lay qualify.
The Muslim world and democracy must begin to be compatible and this world needs strong support from the West.
Let us help and not hinder, the end of the epidemic is a democracy that is spreading across the Arab world. ----------------------------------------------
Changing the subject a bit, I'll bring a video I saw on the blog of my dear blogger Victor C. , where they saw a Savater Philosopher's statements have left me a bit stunned.
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