Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dog Has Eaten Ibuprofen


The idea I had when I created the blog, was to make a dynamic website, always with new content, etc ...
This task, but rewarding time-consuming, and is receiving much of the little that I have open for me. And I have several issues unattended.
After taking some time meditating, I decided to drop anchor and reorganize a bit. could slow the pace of publication and comment, but does not make me special pleasure to have a half-dead blog. Do not know what about it ... ...
I found several interesting blogs and bloggers all that was worth knowing; try to happen from time to time for their blogs (Rafa, "commented a day?).
The experience, though with some slight disappointment, it was certainly very positive, I have learned a lot and leave me some grief, but there are little people that require more of my time and increasingly and more and more.
This activity made me make online friends with whom intend to stay in touch.
I want to thank support and friendship and also Happy Misanthrope trust my colleague ("The Phantom of the Opera" Six Strings "UP THE IRONS!).
We continue to see around here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recipe For Buttercream Icing Cake Boss

Every time I like least in what they're making the SER, it is increasingly the official organ of the PSOE, neither left nor liberal, neither green nor hosts in vinegar.
already knew PRISA trends in the publishing group is not surprising now nothing. Van
very "liberal" the picture looks good with the "Moor of the day" anti-racist social justice or to order from their apartments € 400000 for the wealthy neighborhoods of Madrid. Or to tell us that public education works well as send their children to expensive schools. All this gives me a certain sadness because I have been common Ser listener and reader country, because at other times found in these media, apart from the typical "life-palm, independent people worth defending positions . But it seems that there is no such people in PRISA or passed by the Company stone.
Prisa is on the verge of bankruptcy and announced the dismissal of 18% of their workers, now only interested in those which issue licenses radio and television frequencies, are still clearly gilding the pill and now more than ever and knowing that the PP is not going to be very please move to the ball to the real disgust "at Zapatero's personal farm in which the PSOE has become."
If the PSOE falls they go back.
now understand many things right?:
If ZP gives 50,000 million Euros of public money to banks as a reward for their greed, "there was nothing for the system is well and wants us to all. "
If ZP instead of raising taxes on the wealthy, it's up to all indiscriminately, "there was no other option, are inscrutable ways of the market."
If Zp is the social benefit spending a lot of unemployed to bomb Libya, "it is fair and necessary."
If Zp makes a lot of outrageous antisocial Democrats ...
These palm of SER seamless applaud them and anyone who contradicts them is a demagogue, intolerant and soplapolleces few more.
Therefore, this media group, Intereconomía need not, newspapers unclean, Copes and other deceptive means, liars and odiadotes, to sink to the true left in this country.
We do much more damage the group PRISA.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Did Denise Milani Get A Breast Reduction

Nihilism! Let me think, DO NOT WANT TO VIEW

Leo in the digital media journalist Ana Rosa Quintana, apart from using "black" to write the books he is charged in a crime of coercion Women of Santiago del Valle, who was convicted for murdering This girl Mari Luz Cortes.
In an interview with Isabel Garcia is done (the wife of the alleged murderer) on the agenda of Ana Rosa, is seen as reporters pressed to get a confession while being interviewed asked not they record more. Note that this lady is handicapped.
These are the limits of journalism (to say) in Spain, SUPREME ASCO. A mind-numbing number of programs that promote values \u200b\u200bcontrary to those who seek to try to make a better society:
Chulos, maltratadotes, camels, hustlers, swindlers, rich without effort ... this series of characters are living in English television and children's time, so that our children will learn the values \u200b\u200bof respect, equality, effort, hard work ... ..
Want to know the salary of teachers, some of these fellow members of ignorance and prejudice?.
Want to know who the "journalists" best paid?
I'm not naming names, is less and all you know where the shots go.
So how are we going to respect the public, to people regardless of status, race or sex ... .. if we are giving our children these models.
Following media "Propaganda", it is impossible to have an opinion of what is happening in Libya.
not what to expect. If the governing parties PP-PSOE Spain with nationalists when needed, virtually all of them a manual Neoliberalism. According to the guidelines governing the financial and business philosophy. If the means of isolation are part of large business groups all delighted with this NEOCOM. I wonder
All that I do watch, will not "propaganda" to justify any war for oil?
If it were for reasons universal rights and humanitarian had already done the same with the whole list of dictators who swarm around the globe.
-------------------------------------------- -------
the album Insomnia Hamlet Group:
'll Come see

I will punish you with torturavisión
cruel, no, favor.

Let me think, I do not watch.
Let me think, maybe you do not.
Let me think, let me think. Distract

based gossip in social life
declare his love in a fucking studio.


I think
idiot for not knowing that 2 and 2, 4, 4 and 2 are 6
if this is your way of culturizar
can call me anti-cultural.

Let me think, I do not watch.
Let me think, maybe you do not.
Let me think, let me think. Distorting

any information, divert my attention
hurt our feelings, no morals, purpose mourn
ie visual garbage.

Let me think, I do not watch.
Let me think, maybe you do not.
Let me think, let me think.

No, manipulate, manipulate.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Should I Buy New Tv Before Superbowl Or After

Love, universal motor sense of our lives, or merely a chemical reaction similar to that produced chocolate. One of the great mysteries of humanity, immeasurable and intangible, and although we could argue about its essence can not be denied as fact. And as such I will address in these lines. As that feeling for many people forgoing acts and things which receives many others.

While the beloved can go from the base metal, to power and ending with the most common can be to a person to his partner. For that man, apart from being a social animal (Especially animal), has a tendency monogamous even though many are. And that trend wander lost many years before the more fortunate, or not, find a partner. The phrase is known better to love and lose than not have loved, no doubt another phrase to debate at length.

On 8 March was the day of the working woman and the 25th of November is the international day against violence against women. As in those days I prefer to hold other things I bring a souvenir to all those people who, for love, die and the next day are remembered only by his closest friends. Make no mistake, the same will happen with us.

Sometimes the numbers speak for themselves so here I leave these sad statistics drawn from the Ministry of Equality: Here

Perhaps to some that 48 million people die seventy victims of love is a very large number. Perhaps exaggerate the relevance of this fact. But like comparisons are odious, if not a little controversy suscitásemos not practice this exercise so good for the mind as I discuss here to other statistics, taking into account any unnatural death should be ashamed at all. Source: Here

the source data back to 68 but let's stay with the last few years to compare them.

The difference is huge. Which leads me to wonder if Spain has established a class system and we have not noticed. Threatened with death anyone has to live a drama and is another sign of our shame as a society. But because some have a state that support that allows you to be accompanied to any daily work with escort? And why others have to trust the system or that some cases no visible protection methods work?

Perhaps there who think that people who die from domestic violence in some way have sought. But following that line of thinking the same cold be said of those who become political.

They are essentially the same, both are threatened by love for a person, an ideal. But like so many other things in our society the treatment given is not equal. And as long as we live from the equality, gender, class, opportunities, etc. not achieve the balance we need.

The dead this time are not heroes, but yet each life is unique, special. If we were all aware of the myriad variables that must exist for a life and no other runs, would learn more to appreciate and respect it.

A hug to all / as

Friday, March 18, 2011

What To Say To Someone Having Baby Today

Death Love energy is not created or destroyed, is wasted

Poor Western capitalist democracies are built on an awareness of Judeo-Christian religion (although many of its citizens consciously ignored), and a thought aggressive and unbalanced economy.
There is no middle, or there is a massive supply or deprivation by the f ... ..
The Origins of Industrial Capitalism prioritized the hard work and savings, were basic parts of the system. But nowadays prevailing excess, the excess in most things, the end of the community. All this is promoted by which fuel propaganda using CONSUMPTION like beasts.
Many personal problems can be solved by changing habits, and why not some of society's problems can not be solved by changing certain habits, too?.
For example, the problem of exponentially increasing energy consumption. Nuclear energy production in Spain is 20%. But we can not waive this 20% taking into account the obvious waste of energy do?:
Christmas Lights 3 months before Christmas, lights out 2 or 3 hours before the public and commercial buildings around the country ... ..
Do not you think that changing social habits could save this 20%?
I think in a country as wasteful as English, that amount could be reduced without it could have a trauma to the economy or welfare. If we get used to seeing huge shopping areas illuminated at night and live with us to avoid light pollution as brutal and potenciáramos other cleaner energy very quickly offset the 20%. We return
EDUCATION to our most powerful factor. A lesson in curbing energy consumption.
In most capitalist countries and Spain among them, live with the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress is energy waste and consumption without limit. For us this is "grow." A little moderation would improve us as a consumerist society, as given to excess, speed, racing cars, bars, partying ...
This is not to stand against the fun and frolic, I do not think that the waste is the fun.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Painting Women Umbrella Dancing Sea


Good morning, I pass a masterful story of my friend nuclear Mellow Yellow:

Today it rains.

Perhaps that is why I write.
I always liked the rain. As a child I snuggled on the couch that was next to the window and saw the drops from the lead-colored sky, heard the patter of drops on the window sill, a rumor that I had the dream, the comfortable siesta on Saturday , to dream with more clouds and people running through the streets ...

recently rain is more fun. When people do not leave when I know I'll be alone, I slipped on my running clothes and along with my dog \u200b\u200bsplashing through the mud in the mount. We return home a croquette made of mud, making few months, which no longer causes the fear of my ex-girlfriend ...

The rain always brings something. In spring, when grasses drown asthmatics, the rain makes airborne pollen fall on roads and highways, making them a yellow rink. This led to many accidents between cyclists and more than a scare among relatives of the bike. It also drops the pollution of Company A, Company B, and other like hell on us, on my head wet mountaineer corridor on my dog's fur then licks in the comfort of your bed. Sometimes it even brings hell worse.

You know, really, how the weather system? I, as candidate of the Left definition of planet as "global village", I have a slight idea. Did you know that the highest concentrations of DDT in the world are in the Arctic Circle? The capricious winds are dragging India's , the only country in the world that still produces dust particles with the carcinogenic substance in successive cycles of evaporation and deposition until it leaves them there forever.

Along the way, fish and animals then eat, absorb and deposit it in your system.

I fear that is beginning to show which way the shots of this post.
But really, this post is on the honor of man.

Do you know what it is (in most cases was) a liquidator? That was the name given to the number of volunteers, workers, soldiers, firemen, butchers, cobblers, etc.. that workers exposed to lethal doses radiation in the Chernobyl plant. The plan was to send to people covered with lead suits to collect 30 kilos hands graphite rods fuel plant, following the explosion of the reactor core had been scattered everywhere. They did it in shifts of two minutes, 45 seconds and radiation were deadly. This plan was obviously crap, but it is when any plan is the only possible because the remote control robots that are trying to do at first they were damaged by radiation and heat in minutes. These workers were pouring back into the reactor throughout the material as humanly possible, and then this was covered by helicopter (whose pilots died a few days) with a mixture of gravel, sand and lead to prevent further melting reactor core. Stop the merger was vital because, in theory, the core of a reactor on its merger can dig a tunnel to the center of the planet, and some say it can get to emerge on the other hand, the name "China Syndrome" because China is the antipode of the United States, the only country to have some experience Chernobyl nuclear accident. After stopping the merger, were buried vehicles, materials, and individuals involved in the incident, and built the famous sarcophagus more human construction that will last, since the effects of radiation take hundreds of thousands of years to disappear.

Of the 600,000 liquidators believed to have worked at Chernobyl, it is estimated that some 250,000 are still alive. All unharmed, some terrible, most in exchange for a metal medal that does not solve your personal disaster in the slightest. About 25,000 died in minutes. Stories of heroism were experienced excessive, often paid with their lives. There was even a platoon of Army divers who, faced with the need to close the valves in the cooling tanks so that contaminated water does not end up leaking and spreading to adjacent fields, was asked several volunteers for the task, previously warned they would die if he were immersed in radioactive sludge. As a whole platoon volunteered to die, had to draw lots.

Thanks to people how are you, us, the bastards first world we live in your homes, surrounded by unnecessary luxuries, guitars, expensive bicycles, Japanese technology ...

Which brings me to the second part.

If you do not live in a cave, you already know what happens in Japan. Imagine how elapse the same situation here. People running from one place to another, looting, and blaming Rajoy Zapatero from a plane, the last fag ...

But the bulk of Japanese society is exemplary. They invented the honor. They are the suicide bombers who died willingly in the Great War, but without the promise of heaven full of virgins of the Islamists. They invented the harakiri to restore lost honor in battle. But what I have been looking for since the beginning of the post is to focus on a particular group.

Imagine bastards first world, how it can be the life of a Japanese engineer in a nuclear plant in the country of consumption. I speak from a place where a watermelon costs 150 EURAC, about the same as my first guitar.

I suppose it's great.

It turns out that 50 of these men of great lives have decided to stay the hell out of Fukushima, with almost absolute certainty that they will die, perhaps in a futile attempt and desperate that lives of their brothers, wives, friends, and millions of strangers with all the normal follow to enable them the consequences of an earthquake of 9 degrees and subsequent nuclear leakage.

I hope that your lives have been wonderful, guys.

I hope you have been at the height of your deaths, which, unlike those of most people will not be in vain.

I ask all of you to think about moments in the lives of these 50 good men. It's the least they deserve. They are the exception, one of the few examples that make me think man as a species worth.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's Kates Playground Real Name?


As I write these lines there are five nuclear reactors in Japan closed and without cooling, approaching an apocalyptic nuclear disaster dyes, hopefully I'm wrong.
What exactly is going nobody knows, there are delays and concealment of information. In any atomic accident has taken place in the same way, the better to endanger the health of thousands who have bad press.
The engineers located there regain control, or that people do not realize, the radiation is invisible and the millions of profit obtained in the nuclear business will not stink.
Japan is one of the areas most prone to earthquakes around the world and operates more than 50 nuclear reactors every few years an earthquake damaged a nuclear plant there. It appears that some have been damaged by the Tsunami. And as the information is controlled we can only go listen to "that the thing will get worse."
industrial structures in all accidents occur: refineries, oil rigs, nuclear power, etc ... Technicians can minimize your chances of an accident to occur, but never can be taken to each and every one of the possible emergency.
The worst earthquake in Japan's history and a wave of 10 meters were not among the probabilities of the specialists. Moreover it is impossible to predict in the construction of a nuclear risks will have this in 20 years (and this is really weed if you think the age of the English plants).
The risks of nuclear technology can not be eliminated 100%. But the business is in charge (we return to the cruelty of the neoliberal system.) Those who earn money this energy must be labeled as "irresponsible Rook." In the speech of these chickens is always the situation under control, whether flying through the air pieces of Japanese reactors.
would add the shameful performance of the European leaders and short-sighted, politically correct view of the treatment they want to do now the nuclear issue, drawing on the catharsis that is occurring in people news coming from Japan.
And the cudgels on behalf of the Japanese people, which is demonstrating a respect for all and an attachment to the collective and we would like to us in Spain.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sophisticated Knicker

Finding Neverland

We've talked and crushed on this blog about the plague sweeping bipartisan our democracy. For those who have progressive ideas of the left have a fairly bleak. One who has left the PSOE and IU Social sunk without clear direction, a slave without knowing the PCE and carry the message to the English left.
A Statewide UPyD appeared a few years ago, a more in principle good news, BUT:
Nobody could suspect that the PSOE congress elected by very little room to ZP as secretary general of the candidates would end up forming a new party. Although ZP dispute in this conference was to champion of Philip Jose Bono, Rosa Diez was presented with his own list to lead the PSOE. His defeat at the congress ended relegating the "exile" in Europe where top of the list was submitted to the European elections by the Socialists.
ZP few letters published in newspapers of the cavern relaunched the English political scene.
The rejection of the government dialogue with ETA was a catapult to Rosa Diez achieved some notoriety and media attention and open political space between PP and PSOE, not ideological. His extremism against the presence of Euskera, Catalan and Galician as official state languages, won sympathy among the most reactionary sectors of society and opened its media centers.
From UPyD is committed to a cult of personality, with an extreme cult of personality, "the party of Rosa Diez" in an election where the election poster was the ID card of Rosa.
UPyD party is presented as a regenerator democracy but has no major ideological differences with PP-PSOE that allow bipartisanship: Monarchy, Market Economy, NATO, European Contitución on key issues, system and more system.
political program recognizes Rosa Díez USA as natural and historic ally of Spain, loyalty to the master.
is a party, this UPyD, born to be a hinge the PP and PSOE, so that does not move one iota the foundations of the current system has led us to this ruin.
not sulky to right-wing voters are not aggressive enough in the PP, or progressive citizens who do not see enough PSOE ethics, but ethics are the philosopher Savater.
When someone asked this lady if your party is left or right, says he is from Spain, as would a very close friend: "If anyone says that is not left nor right, it sure is of law. "
Best Regards.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Current Price Of Ticket In Adventure Island

MUITO Obrigado

I read a story that says that 300,000 Portuguese demonstrated "peacefully" yesterday against the precariousness of living conditions for youth. They call themselves "desperate generation."
seems that the young Portuguese have awakened and have become aware of their existence, their precarious and that there have been at fault in the economic apocalypse that has occurred in these times in which we live .
In Spain, the unemployment rate is 40% among young people, there is job insecurity in some cases reaches the edge of feudal slavery. Yes, some protests are held minority as yesterday in Madrid at which support from this blog even if it is water under the bridge.
But in Portugal Portuguese 300,000 have been mobilized, what in Spain?, are we sleeping?.
charismatic people are lacking to encourage nonconformity (Forget PP-PSOE). We resigned ourselves to not touch us and left us selfishly hope to fix this as a collective.
there no movements or organizations on the left to mobilize people with the negative conditions that are suffering the popular classes?.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Large Rolling Laundry Basket


Committed to employment, that was the motto of New Rumasa.
Well, with this commitment Clesa dairy company will present a case of regulation by 500 toil. Although the shark neoliberal Ruiz "OPUS am and I have no moral" Matthew is working on a restructuring plan that includes 1000 job layoffs, 10% of the workforce to the fucking street.
workers have three months without pay, they must pay wages Christmas and January and February. Must go to work but not charged or produced from a week ago.
Ruiz Mateos the end is going to make a second time. It is very difficult to understand that this family has secured funding and investment, these investors know where to put the money, not give me any grief.
knew that would happen at the end as usual the big losers are the workers not guilty of anything.

The exponentially growing political corruption in the English State has quantified data through the state attorney general.
are being processed 730 cases against public officials for corruption.
PSOE 264
200 PP
43 Canary Coalition
30 CIU
Andalusian Party
20 IU
17 GIL
7 U Mallorquina
5 Ezquerra Republicana
And this is what is known, no one knows "how much will it arrive?. Cumpas Conde says that we hang that less than 1% of public office.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Japanese Train Groping Clips


few days ago issued the Forbes list of billionaires. As you know this is an annual listing that makes this organization with the ranking of the characters world's richest.
The first "filthy rich" is Mexico's Carlos Slim passed Bill Gates to the now legendary and has been relegated to No. 2.
This year, full global economic downturn, in which the First World working classes struggle to lift the head and the number of hungry people in the Third World has increased considerably, there is the paradox of has been a record year with a new billionaires: 214 .
This magazine has counted 1210 people with assets in excess of ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
Among the 20 most Rich all have won more in 2010 than in 2009 and all this in full policy and public spending cuts the belt tight as ever.
top 8:
Carlos Slim --------------------- 74,000 million
------- Bill Gates ----------------- 56,000 million
Warren Buffet ------------------ 50,000 million
Bernard Arnault ------------------ 41,000 million
------------------- Larry Ellison -39,500 million
--------------- Amancio Ortega 31,000 million
Eike Batista --------------------- 30,000 million
Mukest Ambani --------------- -27,000 million
Amancio Ortega is the year of best fit, has increased its assets in a crisis!, with which it is falling over here!.
zero Meanwhile I get dizzy a bit, but for comparéis, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ethiopia is 26,500 million dollars.
Copying the friend Victor C:
"Capitalism = Selfishness = neoliberalism"
The system is thus Should we learn to live with this aberration?. Are these the benefits of markets?.
I refuse to believe that this system that has held humanity to be the only possibility.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Temperature For Storing Paint Freezing


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Garisson Smoke Detector


I spent a comment from our friend STONE on the international day of women. Mint

!!!!!, five minutes I have to invite everyone to read if you wish and intend Carmen Sarmiento's book "Women, revolution going on." I have the pleasure of meeting and not just is a great period of millions of stories that everyone will have seen on TV, but a person full of honesty.
Today is March 8, International Women's day. Go my love, my dedication and love for all those dead women, killed by criminals from their husbands on a day like today. My memory and my respect. To all those harassed, raped, humiliated ... etc, every day in fear of his life support. Kick
albeit slowly, all together, men and women, women and men, this culture, education patriarchal much damage to us all.
lawyer for that education for equality. According to reports from UNIFEM is the women who die from hunger more the world disease, now augmented by the global crisis that promotes the neoliberal system.
We can all help in participating and helping us make this equality is fulfilled.
I am sorry that the word feminism is stigmatized, as the word left, but I am a feminist from that equal more than ever.
groups have increased new males in our society, I boycott any progress steadily in many forums, media, etc. They are organized groups with lies trying to derail a lot of work achieved by women and men for many years and the exact figures disguise abuse, are easily recognized if you enter any time in any forum in the Country.
My love for Clara Campoamor feminist who fought for the vote of women in Spain, struggled to the point of relegating his own party. And women are essential. FREE list! you men in this beautiful, fair road to equality.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Myrtle Beach Condo For Senior Week

GIT "NOW?, Excuse me, TELL ME THE TIME? Undo

is taking place absorption Neocom-Neoliberal ideology in society, through an acquisition manipulation of concepts and language.
globalized world neoliberal policies adopted for operation and as we have said many times, this neoliberalism is what has caused the economic decline and therefore the collapse of the welfare state.
I do not want to talk about this, or that Zapatero is the Attila of the world economy (the haters Zapatero systematic global reality are not the problem.)
The world is governed by the laws of neoliberalism, capitalism, selfish, vicious, which is charging the planet. Therefore, the speech "antiideologías" is installed between the right people (mostly) is intentionally directed to abandon any hope of trying to find a more just and united world.
He criticizes the "isms" is consciously or unconsciously embraced this neo-liberalism.
It is a change in language, the semantics of words that exemplify this:
Reform to no longer means better, but backwards.
solidarity is not to redistribute from the rich to the poor, but favor the rich at the expense of the poor.
equality is becoming less equal between classes but only equality between sexes, very dignified on the other side.
pensions ensure no means ensure a fair retirement but many of them are to stand on the threshold of poverty.
A social outlet to the crisis is not better off leaving the workers and the middle class but the large capitalists and equity sharks.
are hereby standard among precarious workers such concepts as "work more to earn more", is assumed to be exploited as dogs:
"because the world is so stupid romantic dreamer."
"I earn is € 600 and work 10 hours a day," though of course the system is well capitalism works and I have no dignity. And against the system can not do anything, like going to the football every Sunday.
"It is rare that I have a lump and took two months for the next query." Well Esperanza Aguirre is infinitely good and estupendísima and blame Zapatero and the Socialists who are pushing the world.
clutch on poor friend!,
friend of a middle class increasingly impoverished!,
friend standing! ....
If someone tells you that the system is well and what has worked 200 years
if someone tells you that socialism has not worked in the world,
if someone tells you life is good in USA ...
NO TE FIES!, Insurance he has money, ignores or does not interpret reality or is NOW GIT

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does Rj Cz Mean On My Ring ?

Start and finish because if not when the blue
heaven gives me
and iris changes
the stars are not farther than men

treatment other voices repeat I feel like mine

and enclosed in my body
with heavy seas rumor
I told you not look back
that the sky is yours
and have to start slowly to unmake the world

The breath of the earth and its quiet serene

and afternoon shade is a hand

music shakes me
unlocks secrets that are now within me
the end after all we are not so different

an oasis
desert where is the patience

Chorus Put me out of the reach of universal yawn

we will be in exile or in a cell

rest Put me out of my personal history
am a bird of prey:
look at my wings!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ottawa Brazilian Wax Recommendations

Misanthrope Procrastination

We're seeing a movement against trade union rights for public workers in the U.S..
In some states governed by the "Grim Republican" is legislating to reduce union bargaining power of officials prohibiting strikes, including rights-cutting measures.
Whenever I see more clearly that the world is succumbing to the neoliberal scourge of the masters of roost, we are seeing a clear regression in the distribution of wealth.
are under attack and collapsing the concept of the welfare state.
Attempts are being made to the group the idea that "government is bad", in part fueled by the lack of control with the waste, of course.
For wealthy people this selfish attitude is logical, the end of the day are the most should contribute to the maintenance of universal health care universal education, etc ... but prefer to pay for a better quality private. Are already dealing with these sharks and vultures neo-comms of weakening the quality of the public.
What I produce anxiety and sadness is to see how we all classes, either through ignorance, not want problems or fear.
News around the world are on this path, getting ahead mileuristas parties engaged to degrade the "public." Ignoring the universal injustice that occurs: the only way to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens, is, among other things, having a quality education PUBLIC.
One day we will post about when you consider that a state is democratic. What I find increasingly clear is that the U.S. is a dictatorship of the capital where there is only a game and a more oligarchic oligarchic. What do you choose Yankies citizens with their vote?. Les
prohibit the right to strike for civil servants, but yes, they can always buy an automatic MP5 submachine gun to negotiate an agreement with more force or enter into a school to "dismiss officers" in this life ..
I must admit that I'm starting to to influence the vision of the New World Order being imposed, I am sorry and I'm worried. I can not tell how Rajoy, Zapatero, or any of the English petty politicians can do something good for us if not actually paint anything. Our standard of English society to corruption and fraud. Spain as patriotic and nationalistic concept is not what it is and the truth is that I do not, but the English group is leaving much to be desired.
This political-blogger is not very rewarding. The human being as a group is not capable of almost anything good. Same
back to video games and my multimedia worlds so many good times I have given and what you give to politics!, The better the passivity to be a rolling stone hustle and vote one of these neo-comms.

puritanical EUFOR Misantropía

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shirk And Fiona Cake Toppers


The latest arrests by the state security forces under the command of Rubalcaba AGAIN show lack of credibility with the band cazurros ETA terrorists.
The four "suspects" were arrested crows have been seized 400 kilos of explosives and SORTU can say Mass, but it is clear that some of the terrorist network wants to kill, but why are reset?, Although in USA is likely to have heavy weapons at home, in Europe it is forbidden, we are more civilized.
hunting to the Ministry of Interior is putting ETA confirms the government's position and statements of Machiavelli (Rubalcaba) that do not believe the Banda or believe that the world definitely renege This nationalist and dissociate completely.
The only possible and understandable by the citizens in my opinion is accountability and delivery of weapons and terrorists, as they lack any credibility to any negotiation or any other possibility other than what it would be unworthy for victims.
SORTU should be brave and give evidence of their unbinding to the crime, make a clean leadership, there is no right for the world nationalist and thousands of voters can not exercise their democratic rights by being tied to ETA violence, which pursue the path of independence but at the polls, second completely legitimate.
After many years of terror and pain has to close this dark time paying the debt and asking sincerely sorry for all victims, not just those of Alcaraz.
must also be evidence of the futility and cruelty of terrorism to achieve political objectives.
COME WE CLOSE THAT YOU WANT, let us live in peace!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Toothpaste For Gingivitis


English Episcopal Assembly renews itself, but it seems that Rouco Varela has all the papers to remain in office.
has taken the opportunity to lash out at Internet and social networks, against gay marriage, single parents ... well, nothing new, most of the same retrograde and cavernous grime.
Cardinal has emphasized the development of Day World Youth of according to him explaining what the problems are more condition to the youth of today:
Social Networks and the Internet that provides, according to him, "a virtual lifestyle vacuum truly personal encounters and relationships." Afraid of what these "corrupt sabladores crows," is that people on the Internet has the ability to look outside the catechism and to discover for themselves that may be praying to gods of wood. Internet is light and shadow and the catechism only shadows. The type of social relations is changing due to new technologies, the Church as always reluctant to any change that does not control.
Rouco also blasts against the state's role that "no substitute to the school, the family or the parish." What can not be is that education through the prism of Christian or of another religion, the whole population and public institutions should be secular. Of course they are necessary for a school education "secular and public" and a family involved that need not be THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY.
wood also has to be divided for single parents says: "No man or woman, for themselves and only with their forces, they can give their children properly love and respect of life. " course, be much better a Christian marriage inseparable in the eyes of God but do not stand between them and living bitter. By the way, should be the first mortal to be clear about "THE MEANING OF LIFE ."
has also lashed out against gay marriage . It seems very well that in his belief, not to marry same sex, but otherwise they are living in celibacy, which leads to instability of personality that sexual repression (ie if it is unnatural). What does not seem right, is intending to outlaw civil weddings between individuals must have the same rights. Summarizing
Mr. Rouco Varela, punishing wicked dog, I ask, please look after you from your flock, in their schools, in his catechesis and in their churches with their money and leave the management to the appropriate State .
A greeting heretical.