Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dog Has Eaten Ibuprofen


The idea I had when I created the blog, was to make a dynamic website, always with new content, etc ...
This task, but rewarding time-consuming, and is receiving much of the little that I have open for me. And I have several issues unattended.
After taking some time meditating, I decided to drop anchor and reorganize a bit. could slow the pace of publication and comment, but does not make me special pleasure to have a half-dead blog. Do not know what about it ... ...
I found several interesting blogs and bloggers all that was worth knowing; try to happen from time to time for their blogs (Rafa, "commented a day?).
The experience, though with some slight disappointment, it was certainly very positive, I have learned a lot and leave me some grief, but there are little people that require more of my time and increasingly and more and more.
This activity made me make online friends with whom intend to stay in touch.
I want to thank support and friendship and also Happy Misanthrope trust my colleague ("The Phantom of the Opera" Six Strings "UP THE IRONS!).
We continue to see around here.


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