Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recipe For Buttercream Icing Cake Boss

Every time I like least in what they're making the SER, it is increasingly the official organ of the PSOE, neither left nor liberal, neither green nor hosts in vinegar.
already knew PRISA trends in the publishing group is not surprising now nothing. Van
very "liberal" the picture looks good with the "Moor of the day" anti-racist social justice or to order from their apartments € 400000 for the wealthy neighborhoods of Madrid. Or to tell us that public education works well as send their children to expensive schools. All this gives me a certain sadness because I have been common Ser listener and reader country, because at other times found in these media, apart from the typical "life-palm, independent people worth defending positions . But it seems that there is no such people in PRISA or passed by the Company stone.
Prisa is on the verge of bankruptcy and announced the dismissal of 18% of their workers, now only interested in those which issue licenses radio and television frequencies, are still clearly gilding the pill and now more than ever and knowing that the PP is not going to be very please move to the ball to the real disgust "at Zapatero's personal farm in which the PSOE has become."
If the PSOE falls they go back.
now understand many things right?:
If ZP gives 50,000 million Euros of public money to banks as a reward for their greed, "there was nothing for the system is well and wants us to all. "
If ZP instead of raising taxes on the wealthy, it's up to all indiscriminately, "there was no other option, are inscrutable ways of the market."
If Zp is the social benefit spending a lot of unemployed to bomb Libya, "it is fair and necessary."
If Zp makes a lot of outrageous antisocial Democrats ...
These palm of SER seamless applaud them and anyone who contradicts them is a demagogue, intolerant and soplapolleces few more.
Therefore, this media group, Intereconomía need not, newspapers unclean, Copes and other deceptive means, liars and odiadotes, to sink to the true left in this country.
We do much more damage the group PRISA.


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