Friday, May 6, 2011

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National March for Peace with Justice and Dignity

National March for Peace with Justice and Dignity

"We're up to the mother"

5 to May 8, 2011

Thursday May 5
07:00 Peace Dove
Press conference with Javier Sicilia
quota Organization:
1. Victims and relatives of victims
2. Network for Peace and Justice
3. Contingent support citizens and organizations
output progress
12:00 hours
Road Junction with Cuautla
Rest and incorporation of contingent
14:00 Reception to Coajomulco
15:00 hours Lunch
19:00 pm Press conference with Javier Sicilia
20:00 pm Cultural Program and Fandango
21:00 Dinner hours
Friday May 6
07:00 Press conference with spokesmen
7:00 am Breakfast
08:00 am Departure from Coajomulco
11:00 am Break
12:00 hours until Topilejo Caravan
15:00 hours Lunch at Topilejo
20:00 pm Cultural Program and Fandango
21:00 Dinner
Saturday May 7
07:00 Press conference with spokesmen
07:00 Breakfast
08:00 am Departure of Topilejo
11:00 pm Reception with residents of San Pedro Martir and
other colonies and towns
Incorporation quotas after which
top progress
16:00 hours Arrival La Espiga, CCU, Ciudad Universitaria
17:00 pm Reception Islands
18:00 hours
rally with university organizations
20:00 pm Dinner
21:00 pm Cultural Program and Fandango
Sunday May 8
07:00 Press conference with Javier Sicilia
07:00 Breakfast at CU
08:00 progress output
Avenida Insurgentes-University-Axis 10-Division North to Churubusco (Olympic Gym)
11:00 am Break
Incorporation quotas after which
Leading the Way
12:00 hours Central Axis to SCT (formerly SCOP) Axis 4
13:00 Coffee Break
Incorporation of quotas after
14:00 pm Central Axis SCT to the Palace of Fine Arts
16:00 Coffee Break
Incorporating contingent after
16:30 For 5 Zocalo May through
17:00 pm rally with relatives of victims and victims
document Reading March for Peace

Remarks by Javier Sicilia

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

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National March for Peace with Justice and Dignity

National March for Peace with Justice and Dignity

"We're up to the mother"

5 to May 8, 2011

Thursday May 5
Dove 07:00 Peace
Press conference with Javier Sicilia
quota Organization:
1. Victims and relatives of victims
2. Network for Peace and Justice
3. Contingent support citizens and organizations
output progress
12:00 hours
Road Junction with Cuautla
Rest and incorporation of contingent
14:00 Reception to Coajomulco
15:00 hours Lunch
19:00 pm Press conference with Javier Sicilia
20:00 Cultural program and Fandango
21:00 Dinner
Friday May 6
Wheel 07:00 press spokesmen
07:00 am Breakfast
08:00 am
Coajomulco output
11:00 am Break
Caravan until 12:00 hours Topilejo
15:00 hours Eating in Topilejo
20:00 Cultural program and Fandango
21:00 Dinner
Saturday May 7
07:00 am Press conference with spokesmen
07:00 am Breakfast
08:00 am
Topilejo output
11:00 pm Reception with residents of San Pedro Martir and
other colonies and towns
Incorporation quotas after which
Leading the Way
16:00 hours Arrival La Espiga, CCU, City University
17:00 pm Reception Islands
18:00 hours
rally with university organizations
20:00 pm Dinner
21:00 Cultural program and Fandango
Sunday May 8
07:00 Press conference with Javier Sicilia
07 : 00 am Breakfast at CU
08:00 am Departure of the march
Avenida Insurgentes-Axis 10-University-Northern Division to Churubusco (Olympic Gym)
11 : 00 Coffee Break
Incorporation quotas after which
Leading the Way
12:00 hours Central Axis to SCT (formerly SCOP) Axis 4
13 : 00 Coffee Break
Incorporating contingent after
14:00 pm Central Axis SCT to the Palace of Fine Arts
16:00 Coffee Break
Incorporating contingent after
16:30 For 5 Zocalo May through
17:00 rally with relatives of victims and victims
Reading the document for the March for Peace
Words Javier Sicilia

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Video. C. Report Martin Esparza Flores on the topic and SME SCJN

Mexico DF., To May 5, 2011.

Information from our partner SME general secretary, Martin Esparza Flores, hacerca of the situation we have with the PGR and the supreme court of justice in the nation.

Source: SME1914

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Information SCJN PGR and SME Press Release

SRIO Our Important Clarification. Working Eduardo Bobadilla, with respect to the notes that have appeared in the newspapers regarding the denial of appeal requested by the Attorney General to terminate the employment relationships of members of SME below transcribed verbatim the received message.

"PGR in recent days according to their powers asked the Supreme Court of the nation's attraction of amparo filed by the SME, for the reason for the termination of employer-employee relationship that issued the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, which took the same, to rule that the employer had no right to substitute it out of the litigation, that is the reason or background that was only the termination of employer-employee relations.

Today the Supreme Court's said no to the attraction, ie said no to the request of the PGR. I make this comment in an effort to clarify that legally the SME does not harm at all. "

also help me to convey this message to other peers by, carefully
Bobadilla Eduardo Z.

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Press release issued by the EMS, where he speaks of the participation of SME in the march of May 1 and the total rejection of the proposed Labor Reform

Source: sme 1914

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If not us, no one will do ...

Mexico City., Thursday May 5, 2011
After almost 19 months resistance, we are at a very important, as our union leader said Martin Esparza, "and endured the most difficult" now we must move forward and move beyond surviving to learn to live with the struggle and take responsibility for our destiny.

"If not us, no one will do" if We can not stand, nobody will, and although this sounds harsh, we as we have always been those relating to trade union struggle for all other workers' unions brothers, because if there is something that identifies us with the other unions, is our unity, our attitude, our value and our democracy.
The victory, our victory, now more than ever, not only be a few, but it will be a victory for all workers for democracy, therefore we need once and for all we all unite as one voice, akin to the people who run the country, listen and realize that the course of the imposition, terror and deceit, is not the way to progress, if not all otherwise.

The path of dialogue, tolerance and construction, is the right way, although perhaps a bit slower, but definitely will be more democratic, more humane, more just and attract long-awaited, PEACE.
Labour Commission
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Matan gay activist beaten to death in Chilpancingo

Research Fellow

demand shocks are killed gay activist in Chilpancingo

Chilpancingo, May 4. Unknown people beaten to death LeijaHerrera Quetzalcoatl, who was leader of the gay and lesbian community deChilpancingo. Leija Herrera had been the victim of attacks earlier enocasiones. His colleague, Emiliano García, exigióa authorities investigate the crime he considered homophobic.

Agree with the information part of the Secretariat of Public Security, which at 7 am with 53 minutes had the report that lacalle Ignacio Ramirez of the colony center, next to name delrestaurante Citrus, was a personalesionada to shocks, and police moved into place preventivosmunicipales Paramedics and the Mexican Red Cross, but alllegar the person was no longer alive. Later

seconfirmó that it was the gay leader, who was apreciarondiversas traces of blows in different parts of the body and 2 woundedly face, apparently caused by a stone.

In entrevistasu companion television program mitotic Sasha, EmilianoGarcía Arzeta condemned the murder, "We are dismayed, noscayó like a bucket of cold water, this was reportedly in the morning, after leaving a bar where he was accompanied but not know with whom. "

Pidióal Attorney General of the State to clarify "estecrimen homophobic "and urged the authorities to arrest estasagresiones against homosexuals.

"We see it uncrimen homophobic by the way how he was killed, he had already tenidootros attacks, and had beaten him before and do not know if estosea for his gay activism," she complained. García
Arzeta dijodesconocer at that time the number of assaults and asesinatoshomofóbicos who have registered in recent years in the state and enChilpancingo since indicated that this information is known Quetzalcoatl.

Aunquecomentó that there has been a decline in attacks porhomofobia due to information has spread, is latenteeste risk "because people find it easier to see a homosexualy assault him."

the afternoon, the Defense Commission of Human losDerechos Guerrero State, issued a statement paracondenar crime. The text recalls that Leija Herrera worked onsome projects related to Act 375 LeyNúmero Living Together to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination in deGuerrero State, published in the Official Gazette of the State , 20 February 2009.

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Azueta by police protest poor working conditions

require payment of retroactive from January to date, new uniforms and medical care

Azueta police protest poor working conditions for

troops complain of low salaries and daily expenses on food and water passages
HERCILIO CASTRO (Correspondent)
Zihuatanejo, May 4. From 8 am, 180 police municipalesrealizaron a work stoppage at the premises of the Directorate deSeguridad Public to demand payment of four months they should losretroactivos municipal administration, "from 15 Deenero the date they should," said the head of police training, Pablo Alberto Rodríguez Román. Another

demands was that the municipal health elcentro equip them with drugs as most delas sometimes do not fill prescriptions and there are times when I recetanmedicina patent, which the police can not buy municipalesy the direction of Municipal Health is not responsible for it.

forThe salary, Román Rodríguez said they see the amount of 3 000 280quincenales, but living expenses are insufficient given the wage chelae. Added accounts that have been made and there is talk of spending 120 pesos diariode that workers must perform, including food, water ypasajes that a fortnight is a total of $ 800 without adding that the police lamayoría have family to support, "and lerestamos that what remains is for rent, utilities, food, imagine, is insufficient to be gained. "

Another demand was that they denuniformes new since last year because they have not been renewed, "yaesta shabby" and boots, "the heat and use, are split deabajo. That was what was asked. "

said that in the pond demands a renewed agreement with the general hospital doctor, as laatención, if a serious accident, have been denied because elayuntamiento has owed to the hospital and now have to spend up to 5mil pesos, depending on the disease.

"When we go to the hospital and we are charging all studies, x-rays and paid up to 5 thousand dollars for a delivery."

ina brief tour of the facilities of the police academy, Román Rodríguez said the reality is that conditions are enpésimas areas, the bathrooms are dirty, there is a pequeñocuarto where they are given basic education classes, which does not have conventana or materials, then give classes from primary, secondary and high school and lacks the instalacionesconvenientes kitchen.

In the dining room, the cook complained Margarita Mojica Téllezse performing daily expenditure pantry thousand pesos a day, the wages of the cooks is 2 000 300 a fortnight, and lamentóque sometimes have to reduce the amount in the portion of food for the 315 active police in the municipality.

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Elder Abuse in Asili in Azueta

corruption in the exhibit

center elder abuse in Asili in Azueta reported

Zihuatanejo, May 4. Settlers of La Noria denounced the lack of attention quetiene the nursing home, who are even subjected to psychological maltratofísico and by managers of the House of MaríaAuxiliadora assistance.
Silvia Lopez, a relative of one patient, lamented that lack of resources has her elderly mother, Tony assistance and said the civil partnership AC Hand of God, responsible for the nursing home, has engaged in acts decorrupción.
accused the president of the Hands of God, the former alderman PAN, Salvador Jaime Gonzalez, not to act depresencia and said he is aware of the abuse that the nursing home encargadaen, Patricia Hernandez, gives the old: "Mom secree chicks, so he takes the pantry." Dijoque
just two weeks ago the secretary of the association and Councilman Delex wife, Noelia Hernández Monge, was the president of DIFmunicipal, Adriana Rodríguez Rodríguez, a donation of 24 thousand pesos, was delivered to elcual Hernández Monge, not the treasurer theAssociation.
"Just the Rotary Club gave a boiler to losancianitos, but as Patricia does not know turn, follow them bañandocon cold water, they fanned jicarazos" complained. Chelae expressed
neighbors who are near them have reported that asylum PatriciaHernández despot treatment given to the elderly and have even let in people vistoque asylum with alcoholic beverages.
"Jaimes and or deal with the association, is now director of the hospital of La Union, and not answer the calls."
also expressed the nursing home is not voluntary because PatriciaHernández the run and do not let it come to asylum and the city council on a loan that gave the house where the elderly live, there is no cuentaporque not visit the premises and do not see the situation of abuse.

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As reported in Coahuila, in the Costa Chica and mines have accidents Mountain

STPS They complain that miners not to investigate the security conditions

As in Coahuila, in the Costa Chica and mines have accidents

Taxco, May 4. The municipal secretary of Section 17 of sindicatominero, Roberto Hernandez Mojica, warned that the accident in Coahuila one of the coal deposits called Pocito where murieronal least five of the 12 workers who were trapped since elmartes, is what might happen in the Mountain and Costa Chica if sepermite the establishment of companies that exploit workers sinbrindar job security for the extraction of metals.
HernándezMojica, who empathized with the families of the miners involved, the facts failed to draw Javier Lozano Alarcón, Secretary LabourOrganisation and Social Welfare (STPS), lack of research paraconocer the legal conditions under which enterprises are located.
Aunquedijo that miners are not part of the mining union, lamented cheese workers who are under the same conditions inseguridadque the union.
reproached the death of miners was the lack of job security to work.
Sequejó that such problems are those that have been peleandodesde over three years, so that labor supply tengaseguridad.
therefore warned that what happened in the mine Pocito is an example of what might happen in the Mountain and Costa Chica, siel government allows the installation of mining companies. Argumentóque
industry first begin to open deminerales exploitation "and with that he starts deforestation, which then iránintroduciendo down to the bowels of the earth, where the riskof losing life is latent."
calls on people to veránafectados, not to give up and keep fighting to not start withthe operation of the reservoirs. In the case of
deCoahuila dead last Tuesday, said his national leadership of the Union requested alCongreso to legislate against the negligence of ventures with enterprises that do not comply with safety measures Workers are.
said that this sector is appalled by loocurrido while to take further actions enGuerrero, not true.

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In Aguirre, the same treatment that Torreblanca says TADECO

In Aguirre, the same treatment that Torreblanca says

Chilpancingo, May 4. The coordinator of the Community Development Workshop (TADECO) criticized that a little over a month of being in office delestado, Angel Aguirre has refused to grant a hearing, that his government considered foulbrood is similar to the former president, Zeferino Torreblanca.
added that as part of TADECO and comoComité of Relatives and Friends of Kidnapped, Missing yAsesinados since 2007 have made an intense activity to authorities as part demanding to address their demands for justice in cientosde cases have occurred in the state.
"But our demandasy proposals have been in the drawer of the arrogance and indifference dela bad government bureaucracy, and with it the opportunity to exercise delgobierno fair and effective action to this problem."

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The army and police, in La Morena: Alarcón

The Army and police in La Morena: Alarcón

Chilpancingo, May 3. The chairman of the Committee of Defense DerechosHumanos (CODDEHUM), Juan Alarcón Hernández, said delEjército elements, the Federal Police and State Preventive Police unarepresentación State Attorney's Office since last Saturday, watching the families of environmental Javier Torres Cruz, abalazos killed on 19 April in the Sierra de Petatlán, as part delas precautionary measures had been granted to the peasant life, although agreed that these measures also respond to the wake Of the death of an environmentalist, the family reported more acts of intimidation.

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The NRC is a normal fight side

The NRC is a side of the struggle

Iguala, May 3. Council President Regional Center Student deEducación Normal (CREN), Yuroam Aviles Reyes, rejected the possibility ofa the demonstrations of students in the School of Ayotzinapa NormalRural, claims in his day. In press conferences, he said that the alumni organization losmecanismos not share control of teachers' training institution Tixtla.
"Nosotrosestamos the idea to restructure the teams, with wing view of the NRC's own demands, based on the same request másbecas PRONABES and traditional calls, told mediosinformativos.
At the time, remarked that avoid all demonstrations, both in the city and beyond. Indicatedthat
have not received the application for any of the other eight normalesdel state to join the demonstrations that sepresentan usually in May.
said that "what is really important parael new committee, which presides over the last few days, is" working side ydejar manifestations. "
laorganización also ruled that student is mobilized to demand the allocation scroll past for students who are graduating from the NRC, since pro quehay a committee composed of students places eighth semester.
Shortly before the end of the group interview said there is good communication with members of the committee.

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Fonatur Put more ads on the dock, denouncing opponents of Ayotzinapa


Place more ads in the spring, opponents denounce

Zihuatanejo, May 3. Opponents to the project company Fonatur OperadoraPortuaria SA de CV, reported that it continues with the placement deanuncios throughout the spring, and expressed his fear that soon puedarestringir access. The fisherman Gregorio Calixto, the cooperativaAtarrayeros criticized the strip will, and who shall not have quémantenerse. "We rob the place from where we are, old and sinletra, where are we going to stop?" He asked. He argued that workers lamayoría no studies, however, have unaforma to support their families. Fisherwoman said Yolanda constants ads "we just look at the sea, is no longer ours, deFonatur. Sure it's wrong that the ads, do you think estánconformes fishermen? No, and we will not stop. " Gregory Calixtodijo that the government is separate, quiet, but in which case yes we will go to defend our work. " He added that there pocospescadores boat owners but each boat owner aOther employs at least four people, and that the high costs paid by pescary go to the maintenance of the boats could not pay whether to rent near an.

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normal protest by reduced food rations to 60

Neither the governor nor the owner of the SEG have been given a hearing, protest

complain Ayotzinapa normal by reduced food rations 60

Chilpancingo, May 2. Normal students protested enpalacio Ayotzinapa rural and former government Inebase also blocked RufoFigueroa Avenue, protesting the government rations reduced to 60 Decoma, when more than 500 currently. They complained that elgobernador Angel Aguirre Rivero and Secretary of Education, SilviaRomero Suárez, have refused to grant a hearing.
In suspeticiones today, added the cancellation of averiguacionesprevias against Ayotzinapa graduates and normal, that aseguransuman 100, by movement of 2007 in respect lalicenciatura demand for Primary and places for teachers.
Losnormalistas of Ayotzinapa, backed by a member of the Socialist Front Mexico Farmers deEstudiantes (FECSM) dosgrandes created groups for simultaneous protests enlugares different. One
reached assumed the government palace gate, which was unexpectedly closed by the elementosde surveillance. While other group placed blankets exIneban doors and blocked the street with the buses that took them hastaesta city. Luis Alberto Dircio
Fabian, a member of ComitéEstudiantil of Ayotzinapa, reported that since who swore elnuevo governor has requested an audience with him and lasecretaria of Education to analyze the demands pendientesdel list of demands of this year, but have given no response. Elestudiante
typically emphasize that since this government came to lanormal of Ayotzinapa just make you get 60 servings of food, cuandosuman 400 students, not counting more than 100 seniors attending Yque communities are doing their practices.
Mencionóque the food situation in normal complicadaahora is because with the former government of Zeferino Torreblanca Galindorecibían 160 meals a day, though, he said, not eransuficientes. In the previous administration achieved a normal deAyotzinapa official increase 35 to 39 pesos per alumnopara food, although it was never reflected lascondiciones remained the same as reported.
"Sabemosque although change or face the representative government, we will stay the same, because it has always been dedesaparecer the normal and most Ayotzinapa, and this governor (ÁngelAguirre) is willing to close the normal and I understand with las60 rations sent us, "said Fabian Dircio.
For its part, the head of the Ministry of Education Guerrero (SEG), Silvia Romero, tried to minimize the protest, they said the normal deAyotzinapa hosts a regular congress of the country, "and check the default aprovecharonpara signed in a minute, but SIGNED us."
At an event at Casa Guerrero, dijoque a person close to her had met with the normal school, who gave him a copy of the list of demands, which would derevisar, however denied that the SEC is complying with food racionesde. Although he later contradicted
"desalting surrendered before the holiday food rations for these days, at 500 (students). Well, he gave 120 rations for the guards, and we are very willing to review this minutes, and compliance, of course with the limitations that exist. " He announced a meeting
queagendó to normal by next Wednesday in lasmañana tentatively at City Hall.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Video: "Our work is the only heritage of our families"

Wednesday May 4, 2011
Mexico City, SME .- "Our work is the only heritage of our families," said Secretary General of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME) Martin Esparza Flores during the meeting that took place in Congress at the end his meeting our representation with the Energy Commission.

The answer was no surprise the PAN tried to reject with a counteroffer our bill to create a new company that provides electricity service in the downtown area and metropolitan area, in order to address and reverse constant failures and inefficiencies brought about by the entry of the Commission Federal de Electricidad, however their efforts were in vain and the possibility of carrying the proposed rule SME remains latent through discussion and debates that are so plural and the remaining fractions the arguments that our organization represntada in the Central Committee has provided, where privatization and warns violation of the Constitution.
Source: SME1914

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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All the Chamber of Deputies Meeting in the PGR

Mexico City., To May 3, 2011
is convened all comrades of the EMS, active and retired in resistance, near the Chamber of Deputies in San Lazaro at 9:00 pm, to keep the pressure on Members of the Committee on Energy,
to be voted in full our proposal to amend the Public Service Act Electricity and thus create a new company to provide electric service in the Midwest.
Labour Commission

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New threat against the family of green Torres Cruz: PGR

exhumed the body of the farmer killed in April to certify the death

New threat against the family of green Torres Cruz: PGR

Azueta receive the delegated report of a possible attack more than 100 gunmen in La Morena
HERCILIO CASTRO (Correspondent)
Zihuatanejo, May 2. Relatives of recently slain environmentalist, JavierTorres Cruz, reported receiving threats that he would unataque against the family settled in La Morena, located in Lasiter community Petatlan be carried from one moment to another, eldelegado informed the Attorney General's Office (PGR) in elmunicipio, Armando Millán.
alrededorde He reported that at 8:30 am on Monday received a call from FelipeTorres Cruz, brother of the now deceased environmentalist, who aseguróque a group of about 100 gunmen threatened to attack lacomunidad of La Morena.
"Felipe (Torres Cruz) called me and dijode the situation, then I said it would cut off communication and secomunicaba in two hours, this happened around 8:30, then we nollamó and did not enter the call I made, "he said.
Millan said that by this time had already organized a deseguridad operating with military and state police, who had come to La Morena wing area to provide support to the family of Javier TorresCruz, farmer, environmentalist murdered in April.
said the direct threat was that "they were going to attack" the inhabitants of that community. TheFallas
complaint for the murder of environmentalist Javier Torres said queahora is only preliminary, since they need declararFrancisca Torres Cruz, Paula Baldwin and Commissioner of the community, Luis Benitez Rosas, because without his testimony does not puedeintegrar formal complaint in connection with the murder of Torres. Tambiénanunció
missing the exhumation of the body of environmental Paraque are found to have the body and deaprehensión issued orders for the perpetrators of the crime.
"No body, how do we know there dead?" He asked. Ayerpor
night, the coordinator of Community Development Workshop (TADECO) Javier Monroy Hernández, warned of threats to the Torres family posiblesagresiones Cross through a statement. Monroyexhortó
governor's sensitivity to "deign arecibo and listen to the voice of victims of enGuerrero impunity. "
The number of preliminary investigation by the environmental asesinatodel Javier Torres Cruz, filed with the PGR, is el46/2011, and the Public Ministry of the common law number 283/2011 stakes.

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Marchan against Manzo Guevara in the state on Labor Day

reiterate its opposition to labor reform to the labor law and demand more benefits

Marchan against Manzo Guevara in the state on Labor Day Unions demand

Aguirre Governor to reject the proposal that promotes the PRI and PAN
Sindicalizadosde different expressions marched this morning in Chilpancingo paraconmemorar Day work and demand their demands, which in the cases leading mayoríade years required. Demand generalizadade
workers was the rejection of laboralfederal law reform, according to the legend of their placards and banners.
Resaltótambién the reporting of health workers, about which there ladependencia resources for preventive activities and dengue decombate, so have not done actividadespreventivas.
Indeed, the general secretary of the secciónséptima the Trade Union of Civil Servants of the State deGuerrero (SUSPEG), Socorro Sánchez Salmerón, made him a warrant algobernador Angel Aguirre Rivero to reject laboralfederal reform that promotes the PRI and PAN. Respetopara
also demanded that workers, which he criticized him repeating several of his funcionariosestén government attitudes TorreblancaGalindo Zeferino, who received a "tyrannical treatment."
This was a speech during the official ceremony organized to commemorate the Day gobiernoestatal of Labor, who headed the Health secretariode Lazaro Mazon Alonso, where suexpresión pointed rejection of union labor reform, which hurts Workers are assured.
Meanwhile, the marchers set off from the Maldonado alamedaGranados socket, which only made a paradacívica, since then the event was scheduled deRegeneración National Movement (Morena).
attended most of expressions bonded labor in the United Front deRepresentantes State Autonomous Trade Unions (Fuersa), who between susdemandas raised recategorizations and 90 days of Christmas. Tambiénestuvieron
members of section 36 of the Trade Union WORKING National Secretariat of Health (Sntsa), headed by general lasecretaria, Beatriz Vélez Núñez. Líderesseccionales
One of the health sector, Fernando Roman Martinez reported that health authorities as part for four months no losrecursos channel for the program of prevention and fight against dengue, by tantolas activities are detained for lack of material, together with per diem laretención.
Meanwhile, members of the Union for Labour in the Service of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (STAUAG) marched through the streets of the capital to demand labor mejoresprestaciones, salary increases and the rejection of reformalaboral.
In an interview, general secretary, said Anselmo SoteloAlbarrán marches in Acapulco as well Chilpancingoson solidarity with all workers in Guerrero and Demex who are against the labor reform, for he said, mindful contral workers' rights.
In Tecpan, with labor protests lasreformas intends to adopt the federal government and rejection, triggered the site where the hospital plans to build segundonivel in this city, about 120 unionized workers at thecompany Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) and the SSA in the state marcharonpor Independence Avenue. Also in Atoyac
almost 200trabajadores the health sector, belonging to the hospital regionalJuventino Rodriguez and municipal health center, lascalles toured the city to require the state governor and payment incrementossalariales 90 days of Christmas. During the march is
county seat, those of Sntsa be launched against Vartanov general secretary of section 36, Beatriz Vélez Núñez, indicated here by repressive policies against Health Workers are.
Phone # 'Union The union members of the Mexican Republic (STRM) shouted slogans discover the president, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa labor lasreformas intends to follow in clubs inthe country and saying "what the fuck the asshole government workers" and " alarmanacional, care with the work counter. "
Meanwhile, in Acapulco, according to official figures, about 10,000 troops personasdivididas in 21 workers participated in the parade on May 1, in which the mayor originally involved with since Bathrooms Añorve Manuel Calle Juan R. Escudero, up to the presidium in the socket. Enel
ceremony were leaders CETEM yfuncionarios PRI federal deputy of the council, who breakfasted comfortably in a restaurant with air conditioning in the center while hundreds waited WORKING turn to march under the hot sun. Inthe event
unionized labor unions attended the College deBachilleres, CAPAM, Union of Civil Servants deGuerrero state, and various sections of the restaurant industry, hotels, restaurants and construction.
lanzaronconsignas workers against the federal secretary of Tourism, Gloria GuevaraManzo for his decision to make the Tourism Tianguis in traveling. Elsener
PRI and leader of the Federation of Guerrero, Antelmo Alvarado García, said decisions on economic gobiernopanista "do not help us but as scrub." Integrantesde
section 12 of the Confederation of Mexican Workers, led by Rodolfo Avila Broom showed cards with lapregunta: "Felipe Calderon, why Acapulco hate "and" You uncinate "while the officer he repeated over and over again reprochescontra Federal Tourism Secretariat.
"FidelVelázquez How I miss you," said the voice on the microphone, adding that if he pudierapedir a wish, ask them to remove the president. Workers are asked to prison for not paying utilidades.Al business end of the parade, said Bathrooms Añorve "Gloria Guevara and federal elgobierno have taken away the tourist market, are tratandode consummate the act, who are directly affected, Workers are the hotel, the tourism service providers are those just to express. " Protest
project opponents in the parade Fonatur
EnZihuatanejo, United Peoples against laBahía Privatization of Zihuatanejo and Barra de Potosi, alluding ypancartas blankets protested against the concession granted to the Port FonaturOperadora in the Labor Day parade.
Lossindicatos of music, telephone, taxi drivers, PúblicosMunicipales Services, Union of union members at General Hospital, prestadoresde services, environmentalists, citizens and fishermen were yaformados.
with placards and banners against laconcesión alluding to the Ministry of Communications and Transport granted Port Operator laFonatur went to environmentalists, college DECONT, fishermen and citizens with cries in protest.
In The passing by the presidium, where the mayor stood Alejandro BravoAbarca accompanied the body of trustees, she was semblanzade the martyrs of Chicago when the contingent of United Peoples Against Privatization of the Bay of Zihuatanejo and Barra dePotosí, passed with shouts of "Out Fonatur outside FONATUR" and legends mantascon "We are up to the mother of the attempts to privatize, up the bay", "Barra Zihua and defending their right to work," was speechless laoradora with the present.
Also in Taxco, spoke against the labor reform through federal elgobierno slogans to low wages while not resolve strike takes more than three years, about 400 people in the mining dela section 17, the health sector of Taxco, Pilcaya and Ixcateopan ytelefonistas.
After 9 am the union Desser of subsection 4 and 12 of section 36, federal government slogans contract them and announced the creation of the labor movement.

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The judge who freed a kidnapper, in front of the Supreme Court AMLO

Garner is presented as head of the judiciary in a press conference

judge who freed a hostage taker, the front of the TSJ

His trial and subsequent disqualification for release to The Calilla it is "chapter closed"
Chilpancingo, 1 May. Jesus Martinez Garner was elected presiding judge delTribunal of Justice, who was disqualified in 1999 medianteun impeachment, accused of having allowed unsecuestrador release, a situation which he said "is a closed chapter" because laSuprema Court cleared him of the Nation 11 years ago. Elpleno
Superior Court of Justice (TSJ), composed 19magistrados, met this morning to replace judge EdmundoRomán Pinzón, after a period of five years.
In conferenciade press, Garner Martinez himself was presented as the new titulardel State Judicial Branch, at which agreed to justice closer to citizens through the implementation of audienciaspúblicas statewide as part of Justice, Civil Society yPoder .
not escape thank his fellow judges for the trust placed in him. Inits
as judge, the now Chief Justice DeJusticia, was accused of having released the abductor Alberto Castro The Calilla , why he sued the origin and mandate reversal of 1999, and was disqualified from public office for a brown years.
By reminding reporters that event the judge stressed that this "is a closed chapter." Enes
sense, "stated, again, and remarked, for 11 years SupremaCorte of Justice of the Nation, decided acquitted, exonerated of that charge even I can point to porcuestiones techniques are given, but which was resolved. " Sobresus
activities against the Judicial Branch, said the need ofa comparative analysis of the implementation of oral trials withother countries, in order to get the best recommendations yproponer legal reforms to enable a dynamic address laimplementación Adversarial Adversarial System. Up testing
addition to digitization of services and documents, said queen looks Judicial Legislative reform, to modernize elcodigo Criminal Procedure after sentencing laws, regulations andthe Law.
According to the computer curriculum deltribunal release sent to reporters on leaving magistradopresidente it has the specialties of Criminal Law and DerechoPrivado; Masters in Law and Private Law; lasUniversidades graduated from National Autonomous University of Mexico and Demex state, with an average 10, obtained his PhD in Derechocon Honorable Mention in the UNAM, among other degrees. Martínez
Garner will serve as head of the judiciary from now to April 30, 2012.

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Demand for clarification of the case and Aguirre Chavarría meet promises

crime campaign was offering, remember

AMLO demand clarification of the case Chavarria and fulfill promises

Chilpancingo, 1 May. Former presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador lerecordó Gov. Angel Aguirre Rivero campañacon their commitments to the people of Guerrero, and ordered him to abide by them as prontoposible, "because the power, if not there early, if not hayideales, stuns smart and stupid, insane. " Apregunta
expressly found that need to be investigated and those responsible secastigue lost the record of crime Dearman Chavarria Barrera of the Office of Justice in the State, because "it was also a commitment to Angel Aguirre," although pidióesperar to the authorities to resolve the case before emitirjuicios.
"I think that should clarify it, I have estadopendiente, I heard the first statement by the prosecutor (Alberto LópezRosas), and then I read that the record had it in Mexico, the PGR, there just Yque had been a simple copy, "he said.
De loscuestionamientos against former Gov. Zeferino Torreblanca Galindopor his alleged role in the loss of the case, declined to comment LópezObrador because "the state authorities will be chipped finques responsibilities, who have to solve, and noquiero be used to challenge anyone ".
laplaza In his speech at the First Congress of Anahuac, during the fourth assembly estataldel National Regeneration Movement (Morena), former candidatopresidencial Aguirre reminded its commitments "that would support the poorest, most humble, indigenous that adults would support alos older people with disabilities, scholarships to instructional levels ... we will be aware of this, we do not, nor debemospresionar to anyone is not to be pressing a ruler queademás arises for the trust given PRD, PT, Convergence and many citizens, but it is worth remembering Guerrero Quey ruling requires responsible, honest, realmentecomprometidos especially with the little people. " In an interview alterminar
the act in the capital's main square, where he was accompanied Devaria social leaders and political actors, came the question of laparotomy, and Andrés Manuel López recalled that the state governor with no movement secomprometió which leads to reject it, but enfatizóque maintains the position that the dam is built, said quesólo will be a business that is muylejos foreign entrepreneurs to benefit indigenous inhabitants deAcapulco ejidatarios and therefore is said to be lying problemadel solve the water.
reform movement slows
The former presidential candidate said that the movement slowed lopezobradorista the unexpected passage of the federal labor reform had apparently agreed that the PRI and the PAN.

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Mexico City, May 2, 2011
It invites all members of the EMS, active and retired in resistance, for Tuesday May 3 at 9:30 pm, attend the vicinity of the PGR in Paseo de la Reforma (for better location, is after the Angel of Independence and before the peripheral direction of the Embassy U.S.) where we will rally to pressure the authorities of the PGR, to expedite the judicial process against our comrades who have been imprisoned unjustly.

Your assistance will be very important to ensure that our comrades are freed. And on Wednesday, May 4 we will focus at 9:00 am, in the vicinity of the Chamber of Deputies in San Lazaro.
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