Thursday, May 5, 2011

Broken Front Tooth Price

Azueta by police protest poor working conditions

require payment of retroactive from January to date, new uniforms and medical care

Azueta police protest poor working conditions for

troops complain of low salaries and daily expenses on food and water passages
HERCILIO CASTRO (Correspondent)
Zihuatanejo, May 4. From 8 am, 180 police municipalesrealizaron a work stoppage at the premises of the Directorate deSeguridad Public to demand payment of four months they should losretroactivos municipal administration, "from 15 Deenero the date they should," said the head of police training, Pablo Alberto Rodríguez Román. Another

demands was that the municipal health elcentro equip them with drugs as most delas sometimes do not fill prescriptions and there are times when I recetanmedicina patent, which the police can not buy municipalesy the direction of Municipal Health is not responsible for it.

forThe salary, Román Rodríguez said they see the amount of 3 000 280quincenales, but living expenses are insufficient given the wage chelae. Added accounts that have been made and there is talk of spending 120 pesos diariode that workers must perform, including food, water ypasajes that a fortnight is a total of $ 800 without adding that the police lamayoría have family to support, "and lerestamos that what remains is for rent, utilities, food, imagine, is insufficient to be gained. "

Another demand was that they denuniformes new since last year because they have not been renewed, "yaesta shabby" and boots, "the heat and use, are split deabajo. That was what was asked. "

said that in the pond demands a renewed agreement with the general hospital doctor, as laatención, if a serious accident, have been denied because elayuntamiento has owed to the hospital and now have to spend up to 5mil pesos, depending on the disease.

"When we go to the hospital and we are charging all studies, x-rays and paid up to 5 thousand dollars for a delivery."

ina brief tour of the facilities of the police academy, Román Rodríguez said the reality is that conditions are enpésimas areas, the bathrooms are dirty, there is a pequeñocuarto where they are given basic education classes, which does not have conventana or materials, then give classes from primary, secondary and high school and lacks the instalacionesconvenientes kitchen.

In the dining room, the cook complained Margarita Mojica Téllezse performing daily expenditure pantry thousand pesos a day, the wages of the cooks is 2 000 300 a fortnight, and lamentóque sometimes have to reduce the amount in the portion of food for the 315 active police in the municipality.


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