Thursday, May 5, 2011

Poptropica Chop The Weeds

In Aguirre, the same treatment that Torreblanca says TADECO

In Aguirre, the same treatment that Torreblanca says

Chilpancingo, May 4. The coordinator of the Community Development Workshop (TADECO) criticized that a little over a month of being in office delestado, Angel Aguirre has refused to grant a hearing, that his government considered foulbrood is similar to the former president, Zeferino Torreblanca.
added that as part of TADECO and comoComité of Relatives and Friends of Kidnapped, Missing yAsesinados since 2007 have made an intense activity to authorities as part demanding to address their demands for justice in cientosde cases have occurred in the state.
"But our demandasy proposals have been in the drawer of the arrogance and indifference dela bad government bureaucracy, and with it the opportunity to exercise delgobierno fair and effective action to this problem."


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