Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sarcastic Cocky Quotes

Matan gay activist beaten to death in Chilpancingo

Research Fellow

demand shocks are killed gay activist in Chilpancingo

Chilpancingo, May 4. Unknown people beaten to death LeijaHerrera Quetzalcoatl, who was leader of the gay and lesbian community deChilpancingo. Leija Herrera had been the victim of attacks earlier enocasiones. His colleague, Emiliano García, exigióa authorities investigate the crime he considered homophobic.

Agree with the information part of the Secretariat of Public Security, which at 7 am with 53 minutes had the report that lacalle Ignacio Ramirez of the colony center, next to name delrestaurante Citrus, was a personalesionada to shocks, and police moved into place preventivosmunicipales Paramedics and the Mexican Red Cross, but alllegar the person was no longer alive. Later

seconfirmó that it was the gay leader, who was apreciarondiversas traces of blows in different parts of the body and 2 woundedly face, apparently caused by a stone.

In entrevistasu companion television program mitotic Sasha, EmilianoGarcía Arzeta condemned the murder, "We are dismayed, noscayó like a bucket of cold water, this was reportedly in the morning, after leaving a bar where he was accompanied but not know with whom. "

Pidióal Attorney General of the State to clarify "estecrimen homophobic "and urged the authorities to arrest estasagresiones against homosexuals.

"We see it uncrimen homophobic by the way how he was killed, he had already tenidootros attacks, and had beaten him before and do not know if estosea for his gay activism," she complained. García
Arzeta dijodesconocer at that time the number of assaults and asesinatoshomofóbicos who have registered in recent years in the state and enChilpancingo since indicated that this information is known Quetzalcoatl.

Aunquecomentó that there has been a decline in attacks porhomofobia due to information has spread, is latenteeste risk "because people find it easier to see a homosexualy assault him."

the afternoon, the Defense Commission of Human losDerechos Guerrero State, issued a statement paracondenar crime. The text recalls that Leija Herrera worked onsome projects related to Act 375 LeyNúmero Living Together to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination in deGuerrero State, published in the Official Gazette of the State , 20 February 2009.


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