STPS They complain that miners not to investigate the security conditions
As in Coahuila, in the Costa Chica and mines have accidents
Mountain Taxco, May 4. The municipal secretary of Section 17 of sindicatominero, Roberto Hernandez Mojica, warned that the accident in Coahuila one of the coal deposits called Pocito where murieronal least five of the 12 workers who were trapped since elmartes, is what might happen in the Mountain and Costa Chica if sepermite the establishment of companies that exploit workers sinbrindar job security for the extraction of metals.HernándezMojica, who empathized with the families of the miners involved, the facts failed to draw Javier Lozano Alarcón, Secretary LabourOrganisation and Social Welfare (STPS), lack of research paraconocer the legal conditions under which enterprises are located.
Aunquedijo that miners are not part of the mining union, lamented cheese workers who are under the same conditions inseguridadque the union.
reproached the death of miners was the lack of job security to work.
Sequejó that such problems are those that have been peleandodesde over three years, so that labor supply tengaseguridad.
therefore warned that what happened in the mine Pocito is an example of what might happen in the Mountain and Costa Chica, siel government allows the installation of mining companies. Argumentóque
industry first begin to open deminerales exploitation "and with that he starts deforestation, which then iránintroduciendo down to the bowels of the earth, where the riskof losing life is latent."
calls on people to veránafectados, not to give up and keep fighting to not start withthe operation of the reservoirs. In the case of
deCoahuila dead last Tuesday, said his national leadership of the Union requested alCongreso to legislate against the negligence of ventures with enterprises that do not comply with safety measures Workers are.
said that this sector is appalled by loocurrido while to take further actions enGuerrero, not true.
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