In suspeticiones today, added the cancellation of averiguacionesprevias against Ayotzinapa graduates and normal, that aseguransuman 100, by movement of 2007 in respect lalicenciatura demand for Primary and places for teachers.
Losnormalistas of Ayotzinapa, backed by a member of the Socialist Front Mexico Farmers deEstudiantes (FECSM) dosgrandes created groups for simultaneous protests enlugares different. One
reached assumed the government palace gate, which was unexpectedly closed by the elementosde surveillance. While other group placed blankets exIneban doors and blocked the street with the buses that took them hastaesta city. Luis Alberto Dircio
Fabian, a member of ComitéEstudiantil of Ayotzinapa, reported that since who swore elnuevo governor has requested an audience with him and lasecretaria of Education to analyze the demands pendientesdel list of demands of this year, but have given no response. Elestudiante
typically emphasize that since this government came to lanormal of Ayotzinapa just make you get 60 servings of food, cuandosuman 400 students, not counting more than 100 seniors attending Yque communities are doing their practices.
Mencionóque the food situation in normal complicadaahora is because with the former government of Zeferino Torreblanca Galindorecibían 160 meals a day, though, he said, not eransuficientes. In the previous administration achieved a normal deAyotzinapa official increase 35 to 39 pesos per alumnopara food, although it was never reflected lascondiciones remained the same as reported.
"Sabemosque although change or face the representative government, we will stay the same, because it has always been dedesaparecer the normal and most Ayotzinapa, and this governor (ÁngelAguirre) is willing to close the normal and I understand with las60 rations sent us, "said Fabian Dircio.
For its part, the head of the Ministry of Education Guerrero (SEG), Silvia Romero, tried to minimize the protest, they said the normal deAyotzinapa hosts a regular congress of the country, "and check the default aprovecharonpara signed in a minute, but SIGNED us."
At an event at Casa Guerrero, dijoque a person close to her had met with the normal school, who gave him a copy of the list of demands, which would derevisar, however denied that the SEC is complying with food racionesde. Although he later contradicted
"desalting surrendered before the holiday food rations for these days, at 500 (students). Well, he gave 120 rations for the guards, and we are very willing to review this minutes, and compliance, of course with the limitations that exist. " He announced a meeting
queagendó to normal by next Wednesday in lasmañana tentatively at City Hall.
Neither the governor nor the owner of the SEG have been given a hearing, protest
complain Ayotzinapa normal by reduced food rations 60
Chilpancingo, May 2. Normal students protested enpalacio Ayotzinapa rural and former government Inebase also blocked RufoFigueroa Avenue, protesting the government rations reduced to 60 Decoma, when more than 500 currently. They complained that elgobernador Angel Aguirre Rivero and Secretary of Education, SilviaRomero Suárez, have refused to grant a hearing.In suspeticiones today, added the cancellation of averiguacionesprevias against Ayotzinapa graduates and normal, that aseguransuman 100, by movement of 2007 in respect lalicenciatura demand for Primary and places for teachers.
Losnormalistas of Ayotzinapa, backed by a member of the Socialist Front Mexico Farmers deEstudiantes (FECSM) dosgrandes created groups for simultaneous protests enlugares different. One
reached assumed the government palace gate, which was unexpectedly closed by the elementosde surveillance. While other group placed blankets exIneban doors and blocked the street with the buses that took them hastaesta city. Luis Alberto Dircio
Fabian, a member of ComitéEstudiantil of Ayotzinapa, reported that since who swore elnuevo governor has requested an audience with him and lasecretaria of Education to analyze the demands pendientesdel list of demands of this year, but have given no response. Elestudiante
typically emphasize that since this government came to lanormal of Ayotzinapa just make you get 60 servings of food, cuandosuman 400 students, not counting more than 100 seniors attending Yque communities are doing their practices.
Mencionóque the food situation in normal complicadaahora is because with the former government of Zeferino Torreblanca Galindorecibían 160 meals a day, though, he said, not eransuficientes. In the previous administration achieved a normal deAyotzinapa official increase 35 to 39 pesos per alumnopara food, although it was never reflected lascondiciones remained the same as reported.
"Sabemosque although change or face the representative government, we will stay the same, because it has always been dedesaparecer the normal and most Ayotzinapa, and this governor (ÁngelAguirre) is willing to close the normal and I understand with las60 rations sent us, "said Fabian Dircio.
For its part, the head of the Ministry of Education Guerrero (SEG), Silvia Romero, tried to minimize the protest, they said the normal deAyotzinapa hosts a regular congress of the country, "and check the default aprovecharonpara signed in a minute, but SIGNED us."
At an event at Casa Guerrero, dijoque a person close to her had met with the normal school, who gave him a copy of the list of demands, which would derevisar, however denied that the SEC is complying with food racionesde. Although he later contradicted
"desalting surrendered before the holiday food rations for these days, at 500 (students). Well, he gave 120 rations for the guards, and we are very willing to review this minutes, and compliance, of course with the limitations that exist. " He announced a meeting
queagendó to normal by next Wednesday in lasmañana tentatively at City Hall.
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