reiterate its opposition to labor reform to the labor law and demand more benefits
Marchan against Manzo Guevara in the state on Labor Day Unions demand
Aguirre Governor to reject the proposal that promotes the PRI and PAN
Sindicalizadosde different expressions marched this morning in Chilpancingo paraconmemorar Day work and demand their demands, which in the cases leading mayoríade years required. Demand generalizadade workers was the rejection of laboralfederal law reform, according to the legend of their placards and banners.
Resaltótambién the reporting of health workers, about which there ladependencia resources for preventive activities and dengue decombate, so have not done actividadespreventivas.
Indeed, the general secretary of the secciónséptima the Trade Union of Civil Servants of the State deGuerrero (SUSPEG), Socorro Sánchez Salmerón, made him a warrant algobernador Angel Aguirre Rivero to reject laboralfederal reform that promotes the PRI and PAN. Respetopara
also demanded that workers, which he criticized him repeating several of his funcionariosestén government attitudes TorreblancaGalindo Zeferino, who received a "tyrannical treatment."
This was a speech during the official ceremony organized to commemorate the Day gobiernoestatal of Labor, who headed the Health secretariode Lazaro Mazon Alonso, where suexpresión pointed rejection of union labor reform, which hurts Workers are assured.
Meanwhile, the marchers set off from the Maldonado alamedaGranados socket, which only made a paradacívica, since then the event was scheduled deRegeneración National Movement (Morena).
attended most of expressions bonded labor in the United Front deRepresentantes State Autonomous Trade Unions (Fuersa), who between susdemandas raised recategorizations and 90 days of Christmas. Tambiénestuvieron
members of section 36 of the Trade Union WORKING National Secretariat of Health (Sntsa), headed by general lasecretaria, Beatriz Vélez Núñez. Líderesseccionales
One of the health sector, Fernando Roman Martinez reported that health authorities as part for four months no losrecursos channel for the program of prevention and fight against dengue, by tantolas activities are detained for lack of material, together with per diem laretención.
Meanwhile, members of the Union for Labour in the Service of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (STAUAG) marched through the streets of the capital to demand labor mejoresprestaciones, salary increases and the rejection of reformalaboral.
In an interview, general secretary, said Anselmo SoteloAlbarrán marches in Acapulco as well Chilpancingoson solidarity with all workers in Guerrero and Demex who are against the labor reform, for he said, mindful contral workers' rights.
In Tecpan, with labor protests lasreformas intends to adopt the federal government and rejection, triggered the site where the hospital plans to build segundonivel in this city, about 120 unionized workers at thecompany Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) and the SSA in the state marcharonpor Independence Avenue. Also in Atoyac
almost 200trabajadores the health sector, belonging to the hospital regionalJuventino Rodriguez and municipal health center, lascalles toured the city to require the state governor and payment incrementossalariales 90 days of Christmas. During the march is
county seat, those of Sntsa be launched against Vartanov general secretary of section 36, Beatriz Vélez Núñez, indicated here by repressive policies against Health Workers are.
Phone # 'Union The union members of the Mexican Republic (STRM) shouted slogans discover the president, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa labor lasreformas intends to follow in clubs inthe country and saying "what the fuck the asshole government workers" and " alarmanacional, care with the work counter. "
Meanwhile, in Acapulco, according to official figures, about 10,000 troops personasdivididas in 21 workers participated in the parade on May 1, in which the mayor originally involved with since Bathrooms Añorve Manuel Calle Juan R. Escudero, up to the presidium in the socket. Enel
ceremony were leaders CETEM yfuncionarios PRI federal deputy of the council, who breakfasted comfortably in a restaurant with air conditioning in the center while hundreds waited WORKING turn to march under the hot sun. Inthe event
unionized labor unions attended the College deBachilleres, CAPAM, Union of Civil Servants deGuerrero state, and various sections of the restaurant industry, hotels, restaurants and construction.
lanzaronconsignas workers against the federal secretary of Tourism, Gloria GuevaraManzo for his decision to make the Tourism Tianguis in traveling. Elsener
PRI and leader of the Federation of Guerrero, Antelmo Alvarado García, said decisions on economic gobiernopanista "do not help us but as scrub." Integrantesde
section 12 of the Confederation of Mexican Workers, led by Rodolfo Avila Broom showed cards with lapregunta: "Felipe Calderon, why Acapulco hate "and" You uncinate "while the officer he repeated over and over again reprochescontra Federal Tourism Secretariat.
"FidelVelázquez How I miss you," said the voice on the microphone, adding that if he pudierapedir a wish, ask them to remove the president. Workers are asked to prison for not paying utilidades.Al business end of the parade, said Bathrooms Añorve "Gloria Guevara and federal elgobierno have taken away the tourist market, are tratandode consummate the act, who are directly affected, Workers are the hotel, the tourism service providers are those just to express. " Protest
project opponents in the parade Fonatur
EnZihuatanejo, United Peoples against laBahía Privatization of Zihuatanejo and Barra de Potosi, alluding ypancartas blankets protested against the concession granted to the Port FonaturOperadora in the Labor Day parade.
Lossindicatos of music, telephone, taxi drivers, PúblicosMunicipales Services, Union of union members at General Hospital, prestadoresde services, environmentalists, citizens and fishermen were yaformados.
with placards and banners against laconcesión alluding to the Ministry of Communications and Transport granted Port Operator laFonatur went to environmentalists, college DECONT, fishermen and citizens with cries in protest.
In The passing by the presidium, where the mayor stood Alejandro BravoAbarca accompanied the body of trustees, she was semblanzade the martyrs of Chicago when the contingent of United Peoples Against Privatization of the Bay of Zihuatanejo and Barra dePotosí, passed with shouts of "Out Fonatur outside FONATUR" and legends mantascon "We are up to the mother of the attempts to privatize, up the bay", "Barra Zihua and defending their right to work," was speechless laoradora with the present.
Also in Taxco, spoke against the labor reform through federal elgobierno slogans to low wages while not resolve strike takes more than three years, about 400 people in the mining dela section 17, the health sector of Taxco, Pilcaya and Ixcateopan ytelefonistas.
After 9 am the union Desser of subsection 4 and 12 of section 36, federal government slogans contract them and announced the creation of the labor movement.
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