The NRC is a side of the struggle
normalista Iguala, May 3. Council President Regional Center Student deEducación Normal (CREN), Yuroam Aviles Reyes, rejected the possibility ofa the demonstrations of students in the School of Ayotzinapa NormalRural, claims in his day. In press conferences, he said that the alumni organization losmecanismos not share control of teachers' training institution Tixtla."Nosotrosestamos the idea to restructure the teams, with wing view of the NRC's own demands, based on the same request másbecas PRONABES and traditional calls, told mediosinformativos.
At the time, remarked that avoid all demonstrations, both in the city and beyond. Indicatedthat
have not received the application for any of the other eight normalesdel state to join the demonstrations that sepresentan usually in May.
said that "what is really important parael new committee, which presides over the last few days, is" working side ydejar manifestations. "
laorganización also ruled that student is mobilized to demand the allocation scroll past for students who are graduating from the NRC, since pro quehay a committee composed of students places eighth semester.
Shortly before the end of the group interview said there is good communication with members of the committee.
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