Seisdedos, antisocial behavior questionnaire-CRIMINAL (AD)
Film, television, press, street and even closer environments like school and family can be sources of aggressive behavior at times, increasingly Frequently, they become antisocial and criminal, affecting in particular children and adolescents.
Objective: To detect the existence of antisocial and criminal behavior in children and adolescents between 11 and 19 old.
Features: A questionnaire consisting of 40 reagents that include a wide range of social behaviors indicative of susceptibility or the presence of such criminal behavior.
Based on factor analysis, we determined the dimensions covered by the Questionnaire: a factor in criminal or delinquent behavior (D), ie, illegal behavior and an antisocial behavior factor (A) that touch the border with that falls outside the law.
The most likely area of \u200b\u200bapplication of AD questionnaire will undoubtedly be the school, since many of the behaviors that the test relates generally be detected, or even obvious, in that scenario.
separate standards for males and females are presented in percentages and ratings S. AD
Questionnaire is validated for Mexico.
Components: Manual, Questionnaire and briefcases.
Application: Individual, collective.
Time: Variable (approximately 10 to 15 minutes)
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