Friday, November 6, 2009

Letter For Court For Community Service Work


The failure rate in primary education in Mexico is alarming reports indicate that 3 of every 10 children entering primary school do not finish.

Objective: To detect early so some of the most common problems that affect school performance of primary school children and enable timely referral to appropriate professional.

Features: It is a computerized instrument that allows the psychologist, health professional, teacher, school principal, etc.., Systematically collect information needed to make up to 20 diagnostic hypotheses about students from 5 to 13 years: Deficit care (with and without the predominance of hyperactivity), cerebral dysfunction, affective disorders, eating problems, anxiety problems, behavioral problems, emotional problems, language problems, psychomotor problem, pervasive developmental disorders, health problems, intellectual disability, Problem socialization, school problem, poor self-esteem, enuresis, learning disability, epilepsy, Sleepwalking and Pica. Detector applications! are diverse: early detection and appropriate channeling of students with problems, increase the likelihood of academic success, optimization of working time required for the evaluation, increase resources for primary schools, school groups homogenization, simplification of procedures admission to special education services, and service time, additional service to the school to parents, and others.

Components: Manual, mail management program.

Application: Individual.

Time: 30 minutes.


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