Friday, November 6, 2009

How Long Does Protan Last For?


The times require an assessment of personality increasingly stringent and useful for a wide range of fields in which this demand is a priority, such as education, labor organizations and public services.

To measure stable personality traits and self-esteem factor related to adaptation and efficiency of the subject in social situations, education and employment.

Features: An instrument that measures 8 together aspects of personality: Ascendancy, Responsibility, Emotional Stability, Sociability, Stealth, originality, personal relationships and Vigor. The PPG consists of 18 groups of reagents and the IPG of 20, each group consists of 4 descriptive phrases (tetrads). It has a forced-choice system consisting of having to dial in each tetrad, the assertion that most closely matches the subject (+) and like it less (-).

This completely updated version offers a wide variety of relevant normative tables to very different population groups: university students, managers, sales representatives, executives and many more.

The P-IPG provides useful information for business, education, health and other techniques by beating traditional self.

Components: Manual, P-IPG Global protocol, rating templates.

Application: Individual, collective, self-administered.

Time: Approximately 30 minutes.


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