Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hair Dye And Swollen Breasts

Hammill, Donald D. METHOD assessment of Frostig visual perception

Children experience problems perceptomotores and they often require corrective treatment, not because they cause academic difficulties (which may occur in some situations) but because the deficiencies will cause problems for an individual.

Objective: To evaluate the presence and degree of difficulty of visual perception and visual-motor.

Features: The classic test of Marianne Frostig now acquires a new functionality to allow a broader and deeper assessment of visual perception in children between 4 and 10 years of age.

consists of eight subtests: hand-eye coordination, position in space, copy, Figure-ground, spatial relations, visual closure, visual-motor speed and Constancia form.

The DTVP-2 offers the following improvements:

- Acceptable levels of reliability.

- Content validity, construct and criterion-related.

- None biases of race, gender and manual control.

- Three new compounds ratios: general visual perception, visual perception

reduced motor response and visual-motor integration.

- Standardization updated original.

- Specific instructions for examining children with multiple problems.

Components: Manual, book figures, Protocol answers Registration Form Profile / Examiner and a backpack.

Application: Individual.

Time: 30 - 60 minutes.


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